Elements in the mobile sidebar are shifted by one

Steps to reproduce

The icons in the mobile sidebar are shifted. If you click one item, the next one executes

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? No

Expected result

The thing i clicked opens

Actual result

The next item opens


Operating system: android 13 (samsung SM-F946B)
Obsidian version: 1.4.6 (105)
API version: v1.3.3
Login status: not logged in
Live preview: off
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 1
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 29
Plugins enabled: 28
1: Mind Map v1.1.0
2: Admonition v9.3.3
3: Copy button for code blocks v0.1.0
4: Excalidraw v1.9.12
5: Style Settings v1.0.6
6: Advanced URI v1.36.5
7: Commander v0.5.0
8: Templater v1.16.0
9: Dataview v0.5.56
10: Recent Files v1.3.7
11: QuickAdd v1.2.1
12: Natural Language Dates v0.6.1
13: DB Folder v3.4.0
14: Calendar v1.5.10
15: Tasks v4.4.0
16: Tag Wrangler v0.5.11
17: Editor Syntax Highlight v0.1.3
18: Obsidian Git v2.20.7
19: Advanced Tables v0.19.1
20: Buttons v0.4.19
21: Kanban v1.5.3
22: MetaEdit v1.8.0
23: Metadata Menu v0.5.1
24: Icon Folder v2.1.2
25: Supercharged Links v0.9.0
26: Checklist v2.2.12
27: Homepage v3.4
28: Quick Switcher++ v3.3.5

Custom theme and snippets: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme and disabling your snippets. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.
Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community plugins.

Additional information

is this still happening? did you try a new vault?