Eisenhower Matrix - Kanban Style

I whipped up a simple Eisenhower Matrix tool leveraging the Kanban plugin and a CSS snippet. The goal was to have drag-and-drop functionality but keep the additional dependencies minimal. The ending results function well and doesn’t needlessly complicate anything in your vault.

More info at:



Well done!

But, wouldn’t it be better to use the cssclasses property instead of attaching “e-matrix” to file name? Asking out of curiosity.


Unfortunately, the Kanban plugin doesn’t use the cssclasses property.

Yeah, but i mean you could use it for your CSS in this case.

I meant using a “eisenhower” selector in your css code, instead of

.kanban-plugin__board > :has(* > div > div[data-hitboxid*="e-matrix"]) {
// CSS Styling

you could probably write

.eisenhower .kanban-plugin__board {
// CSS Styling

which eliminates the need for adding e-matrix to file name. Only the files generated with Kanban Plugin and which have:

cssclasses: eisenhower

in the frontmatter would render it as an Eisenhower Matrix. Am I wrong?

I really like this modification of Kanban. But I have a question…
Is there any way to customize the background color? I have two Kanban, and I wanted them to be colored differently.

@TfTHacker this is fab! I’ve attempted to juggle something together but I’ve no idea what I’m doing lol. This is great, really appreciated.

Yes that would be useful

Edit: @roze I see @TfTHacker has already addressed this in the linked article


Yeah, so I was looking into this myself (which is how I ended up here).

The frontmatter in a kanban board is bugged and it only displays it on the markdown edit, not the actual board. I was testing this and I was going crazy thinking I messed something up but it’s just bugged, so this is just the workaround you have to do to get it to work.

Yeah, it’s true that Kanban frontmatter is a little buggy.
But the frontmatter is displayed on the Properties panel all the time anyway.

I am digging this just because of the file naming convention. It is unintuitive to add text to the filename for just this purpose instead of the metadata, IMO.

For future visitors, replacing

.kanban-plugin__board > :has(* > div > div[data-hitboxid*="e-matrix"])


.eisenhower > .kanban-plugin__board > div

and then adding cssclasses: eisenhower to frontmatter works just fine in v1.1.7.