I whipped up a simple Eisenhower Matrix tool leveraging the Kanban plugin and a CSS snippet. The goal was to have drag-and-drop functionality but keep the additional dependencies minimal. The ending results function well and doesn’t needlessly complicate anything in your vault.
I really like this modification of Kanban. But I have a question…
Is there any way to customize the background color? I have two Kanban, and I wanted them to be colored differently.
Yeah, so I was looking into this myself (which is how I ended up here).
The frontmatter in a kanban board is bugged and it only displays it on the markdown edit, not the actual board. I was testing this and I was going crazy thinking I messed something up but it’s just bugged, so this is just the workaround you have to do to get it to work.
I am digging this just because of the file naming convention. It is unintuitive to add text to the filename for just this purpose instead of the metadata, IMO.