Edit code-block contents without refreshing block?

Hello! Developer of the plugin Ink here. My plugin embeds a react instance as a replacement for a code block (So I use the registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor() function. When the user manipulates the contents of the block, I need to update the data stored in the code block. The code block looks like this: (I’ve replaced the backticks with apostrophes so it displays correctly here)

    "versionAtEmbed": "0.2.6",
    "filepath": "Ink/Drawing/2024.11.23 - 15.18pm.drawing",
    "height": 406

To update it, I’m using the following code, which just replaces the contents.

const embedStart: EditorPosition = {
   line: sectionInfo.lineStart + 1,
   ch: 0,
const embedEnd: EditorPosition = {
   line: sectionInfo.lineEnd - 1,
   ch: 1, // To allow for the closing } bracket
cmEditor.replaceRange( stringifyEmbedData(embedData), embedStart, embedEnd );

However, this causes the whole block to reload. Is there a way to do it without reloading the block? (All I need to change is the height value at this point in time)