Dynamically embed Morning Pages to Daily Notes

Things I have tried

I have embedded my Morning Pages directly into my Daily Notes using
![[Morning Pages/2022-07-25]]
But doing so requires me to manually update the embed each time a new Daily Note is created.

I have also tried

FROM "Morning Pages"
where created = title

But this returns all files in the Morning Pages folder, and returns them as a link and not embedded into the page.

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to dynamically embed my Morning Pages to my Daily Notes. So when created with a templet, the Daily Note embeds the daily Morning Page.

Hi Semi-Sweet,
What do you use to make your templates? That will be the easiest way to answer this question.

If, for example, you use the core “Templates” plugin, and your daily notes are titled in the same YYYY-MM-DD format as your Morning Pages, you could just put
![[Morning Pages/{{title}}]] in your template, and the embed should resolve correctly when you make new daily notes from the template, no need for Dataview.


Hi scholarInTraining
I do use the core 'Templates" plugin and your solution works flawlessly.
Thank you for you response it helps me a lot!

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