Start and end of the current week:
TABLE WITHOUT ID as “Date”, summary as “Summary”
FROM #daily
WHERE >= “2025-02-02”
AND <= “2025-02-08”
Things I have tried
I have tried a number of ways and am to the point that I think I am circling back to where I started! I am sure I am missing something ridicously simple.
It seems like your file names are ISO 8601 dates, and that means that is a valid date, which you can format like any other dates. In other words, if you do dateformat(, "yyyy-MM") to get the year-month combo of the current file. This can be combined with comparison either against a fixed value, or the current month with something like: dateformat(date(today), "yyyy-MM")
Similar date formatting can also be done within dataviewjs if you prefer that, but I’m not sure which variant you use the most?
For the first example I am trying to get my monthly note to pick up daily goal progress from the notes for that month, but can’t seem to figure out how to set the start and stop dates based on the current month. Daily notes are YYYY-MM-DD and the monthly note is YYYY-MM. Maybe instead of start and stop there is a way to gram all files that start with the same YYYY-MM?
The second ones similar where I am trying to pick up the daily summary and place it into the weekly review with the weekly review file being YYYY-[W]w.