Drawing/Sketching support for users who use styluses/tablets

See this.

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Have you tried handwriting recognition on modern devices, like, iPads, Samsung tablets, or in the apps like MyScript Nebo? Theyā€™re insanely good at recognizing even the seemingly unrecognizable cursive, like mine.



This is not coming to obsidian but I recommend the handwritten notes plugin

Works really well on my iPad.

How do you edit your PDF on the iPad ?
I also installed obsidian-handwritten-notes
I use Markup but canā€™t go back to Obsidian when done annotating the PDF (I need to close Obsidian everytime)

Why do you need to close obsidian?
you should be able to markup, close the markup (whether you save or not) and then it should take you right back to obsidian. Tested on 2017 10.5" iPad Pro and 2023 12.9" iPad Pro.

Part of the reason I started using Obsidian was because I thought I could completely replace all of my note taking in one place. Iā€™m surprised this isnā€™t a native feature.

And no, Excalidraw IS NOT an option for this; way too much lag.


I second that a simple sketchpad should exist by default.
a simple illustration can capture 2 pages worth of text.


If you havenā€™t come across it yet, check out my plugin ā€œInkā€ for handwriting directly between text in your markdown notes.

Itā€™s a little bit hard to find int he plugin directory, so itā€™s best to search my name ā€œDale de Silvaā€


The lack of ability to doodle with my apple pencil within Obsidian notes is the only thing preventing me from ditching the Apple Notes app entirely

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Has anyone tried excalidraw recently? Iā€™ve been testing it and the responsiveness is really good. I donā€™t notice much difference between Obsidian and Apple Notes.

Yes, Excalidraw is very good but laggy on iOS devices. Congratulations if you are using Android

It would be great if Obsidian added native handwriting support to PDFs so I could do all my note-taking inside Obsidian, or if Excalidraw improved its experience on iOS devices as an alternative.

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Handwriting support would be the single most important feature for me!

I understand that there are workarounds and other stepping stone features, but what I ultimately need the handwriting feature to do:

  • Be able to write with my pen, anywhere! In a regular document, and especially in the canvas.
  • All handwritten notes stay handwritten (not be converted to text). There is a sense of feeling that I get seeing the handwriting. Is it sloppy, neat, big, small? This is part of the handwritten feel.
  • Searchable everywhere (very good handwriting recognition and search)

The best app that I use right now for handwriting is Nebo App.
It has the best handwriting recognition that Iā€™ve seen so far, which is why I use it religiously.
The developer, MyScript, also has an API. Iā€™m not a developer, so I donā€™t know how it works, but placing it here in case it helps with this endeavor.


I have searched through this topic and I think it is a big mistake that drawing is not even considered. The competition like Logseg has found the gap here. Notes without the ability to draw or write I find very very unfortunate. I would be very happy if Canvas offered the native option to draw with the pencil at some point.

I donā€™t know how useful this might be, but one of the NoteKit contributors wrote:

There is a JavaScript implementation of the drawing format here: sp1rit/notekit-web: Just testing currently - Codeberg.org, someone will just have to implement it in Obisidan.

I definitely throw my voice in for native support here - especially on the Canvas, but preferably within notes as well. I use a Supernote with Obsidian sideloaded and this would really be an incredible game-changer. Handwriting-to-text just is not the same.

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