Download 1.7.7. for a Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7

Working on an ancient Mac Book Pro OS Catalina 10.15.7.

All I want to do is download and start using Obsidian 1.7.7. (Supposedly last supported version) to use for a project sent to me…

…I obviously need a new computer.


Not really.
With a bit of patience, you can upgrade your Mac to newest versions.
To limit upgrades is also a policy to make users buy newest products.

Check this website to keep your good Mac hardware up and running for years to come:

Read that guide with attention, don’t rush bc you’re investing into years.
I’ve used the precursor of this project, which worked incredibly well, meanwhile this project improved a lot since then. I recommend, but don’t guarantee anything and leave you the final decision.

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GitHub has a lot of advertisements that are scams. I don’t relish downloads from there. I was hoping there was a means to download direct from Obsidian.

That is the official release channel, direct from Obsidian. You can see in the image below that all downloads are via GitHub.