Double-click a file in file explorer to rename

Use case or problem

When I want to rename an open file, then I want to double-click the file tab to Rename the current File so that renaming a file is easier. This is useful for users who choose to disable “Inline title” and “Tab title bar” (under Settings → Appearance).

Proposed solution

  1. Double-click File tab
  2. “Note title” pop-up opens, enter new name, press Save (or hit Enter)

Current workaround

  1. Right-click File tab
  2. Select Rename in right-click context menu
  3. “Note title” pop-up opens, enter new name, press Save (or hit Enter)

Related feature requests

Consider also removing the Cancel button from the “Note title” pop-up as it is redundant; there is already a “x” button that does the same.

I’m aware that “Show inline title” and “Show tab title bar” also allow the user to rename the file, only I choose to disable these features.

Version: 1.1.9