Don't automatically expand linked mentions at bottom

Use case or problem

It makes the document longer and I manually collapse it each time to make it feel less cluttered. I also sometimes use other plugins, like Influx that have a bit more features. So then it ends up doubling up.

Proposed solution

Option to either auto collapse, expand, or something else so it would fit everyone’s needs

Current workaround (optional)

Clicking the linked mentions category at the bottom almost every single time I open a note


Perhaps also an option to hide this in the documents all together.

If you go to the settings for the backlinks plugin you can turn this off for the whole vault (then you can see the linked mentions either by selecting from the “more options” section of each note, or you can see the backlinks in the sidebar if the sidebar widget is enabled)

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I noticed this but thought maybe it did something else because they still open for me automatically. Maybe just a bug then.

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