Does Sync really support files over 200MB now?

I’m inside my valut on a 100 MB file PDF file to move, delete or modify, sync does not respond, and did not upload it to the cloud, my valut size is 1.64GB, but the cloud valut is only 1.12GB.

I thought it was a valut problem, but I created a new valut for testing, turned on all synchronization options, and found that files above 100MB will not be synchronized. What is the reason for this?
GIF 2023-11-30 15-12-25

From Licat re: the increase to 200MB:

It depends on an app update that hasn’t been rolled out to the public builds yet

Source: Discord #obsidian-sync channel.

According to the original New Obsidian Sync plans: bigger, better, faster, smoother - Obsidian , 50GB storage and 200MB file size limit are posted together in the blog, the official did not declare that these two have not yet launched, the official words are as follows:

If you are a current Sync subscriber your plan has automatically been upgraded to 50 GB of flexible storage, 10 vaults, and increased file size limit. Your pricing will not change, including any discounts you have.

Now I just want to launch faster, because I came to obsidian because I saw this upgrade. They said I had upgraded, but I didn’t…

The press release says:

What’s new?

Over the next few weeks, we will be updating Obsidian Sync to support the following improvements:

This notice uses the term has been upgraded to, doesn’t it?
But it doesn’t matter, I just hope to introduce the 200MB file limit soon, I have a lot of files waiting to be synced.

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