Does .obsidian.vimrc still work for yank/paste in Vim mode

What I’m trying to do


I’m using Fedora 39 and Obsidian installed via flatpak.
I’ve been going crazy trying to get “y” and “p” to yank and paste to the system clipboard.

The best instructions I can find are to use the .vimrc plugin here: GitHub - esm7/obsidian-vimrc-support: A plugin for the note-taking software

And add something similar to:

" Yank to system clipboard (when using the 'y' key to yank)
set clipboard=unnamedplus

To a .obsidian.vimrc file in my vault’s root.

I’ve tried every combination of the ‘clipboard=’ directives I can find. I can’t seem to get this to work.

I have resorted to just using ctrl-c and ctrl-p to copy and paste, but it throws me off so bad since I edit text/code in vim all day and then I always forget that “y” and “p” will not work.

Here is my obsidian.vimrc file.

" map y "+y

unmap <C-c>
iunmap <C-c>

unmap <C-p>
iunmap <C-p>

" Yank to system clipboard (when using the 'y' key to yank)
set clipboard=unnamedplus

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Hi. I have a file called .obsidian.vimrc with this single line:

" Yank to system clipboard
set clipboard=unnamed

I hope this helps you in some small way.

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