<img src="file:///D:/Norm/GFiles/0bVault/0bsND/Resources/Images/FoxIco.png" alt="FoxIco" style="zoom:25%;" />
For Sync etc.
<img src="D:\Norm\GFiles\0bVault\0bsND\Resources\Images\FoxIco.png" alt="FoxIco" style="zoom:25%;" />
Typora & 15 other programs This or something very similar…
It honestly doesn’t work no matter what… with any local files. You can open a local file by making a Windows shortcut to it, then link to the shortcut.
This has me furious with frustration.
You can link to http:\, https:\ and no trouble linking to an Image in a vault with markdown.
I think this came about around the same time obsidian:// was added to the registry, but I’m not certain. I’ve spent hours and hours at this.
In markdown, wiki, etc. when I can’t get it to display what I want, I’ve always been able to get things to work with html w/inline css. Obsidian simply refuses to recognize html with anything local. My 35+ years of experience troubleshooting, programming, building computers ad nausea is worthless.