I created custom properties, one of them called “author/s”, if I put 1 author it’s okay. The problem is when I need to put multiple authors, because It is treated as 1 author for obsidian. I want obsidian to someway understand that this is not 1 author but more.
Things I have tried
The only thing that “seemingly” works is make the author/s tags, but I don’t want that, and it’s not exactly what I need.
Not a problem:
author/s: George R.R. Martin
author/s: George R.R. Martin, J.K. Rowling
These aren’t “two authors” in the property, it’s one author with a strange name according to obsidian.
Make one property key name: authors (don’t worry about plurals).
Click on the property and adjust it to list.
Then you can add more than one value (don’t use commas like you did):