Display note title/label above nodes on graph to prevent pointer from covering the title


In Graph view, once you zoom out a bit, the note titles appear under the mouse cursor and become, most of the time, illegible.

I think this could be solved by simply displaying the title above the node. Or am I missing something?



I renamed the thread to be more feature request-oriented—hope that’s okay!

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Steps to reproduce

  • open the graph view
  • zoom out (as far, as there are no longer labels displayed)
  • hover with you cursor over a note, to see a label

Expected result

  • the label should be displayed in a readable way

Actual result

  • the cursor blocks the label, which makes it unable to read.


  • Operating system: MacOS Catalina
  • Obsidian version: 8.1 (Insider)

Additional information


+1 it’s indeed a bit annoying ^^
Perhaps display the label always just on the right side of the cursor?

When you’re zoomed out, and you hover over a node to expose the title, the pointer covers part of the title.


Steps to reproduce

  1. Graph view
  2. zoom out until titles disappear
  3. hover on a node

Actual result

Notice that the pointer is covering part of the title.

Expected result

Maybe have the title pop up above instead of below, so as to avoid the pointer.

Additional Info

With normal language the title can usually be inferred.

But for titles like Today’s Notes that use a date as title, we have to take extra steps to read it. Zooming in works, or clicking the node to open the note works. But both actions lose the graph view we had chosen before.

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I just started using obsidian, and this is the first thing that really feels off to me. Perhaps it is more so an issue for me, because I have set my mouse cursor to be larger than default.

This feels like it could be an easy fix/feature. Would really appreciate it.

Hello All,

I noticed this again tonight and thought to check in with the group.
Is there a fix or a setting I can toggle to orient the labels in graph view?
When Zoomed in all labels display, but in “earthrise” POV they only appear when cursor is over.
Any tips would be much appreciated.

With thanks,


It is now three years since this problem was first mentioned, is anything being done to move the labelling above the cursor? Otherwise the graph view is just an interesting visual. I am surprised this has not been addressed by now. Please update us on the status. Thanks.

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If the team spent time addressing each of the 4000 issues discussed on the forum, they would not have time to do any of the work. Please don’t ask for updates like this. Stating your support/use case is sufficient to note your interest in a feature request.

This was addressed. Now the text moves down when you have the mouse pointer on a dot.


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Thank you @WhiteNoise I reduced my pointer size and zoomed in. Still think moving the label to the top would be a better solution and would not require zooming in as much.

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