Display embed links from a property value in a dataviewjs query

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to make a database to learn language. So currently I want to display into a dataview or dataviewjs query the property values of the note. There are string values, but for one property, i would like the embbed links of block from other notes in this query.


Globally, i have 2 folders : 1 for the “Sources” which contains some textes in the target language, 1 for the vocabulary.
One word can have different pronunciation which changes the meaning and the sources. A word can have many forms
So the properies of the vocabulary note is like that :

  • Form:
    • 1:
      • Pronunciation: (contains a word)
      • Meaning: (contains a word or a sentence)
      • Sources: (contains links to block)
        -2: …

Things I have tried

Until now, I have tried 2 different technics :

1 - I put the properties inline

And with a simple dataview query i obtain this :

But the sources according to the meaning is not so easy to read, and i am not sure if it’s “cleaned” to manage properties.

2- the second technic is i put the properties in frontmatter and made a query with dataviewjs
properties frontmatter

And i used this dataviewjs

// dataviewjs code to display the note "word" with nested properties

const noteName = "那天";  // Replace with your actual note name
const page = dv.page(noteName);

if (page && page.forme) {
    // Create an array to hold the rows for the table
    const rows = [];

    // Iterate through each "forme" son property ("1", "2", etc.)
    for (const [formeKey, formeValue] of Object.entries(page.forme)) {
        const pinyin = formeValue.Pinyin || "N/A";
        const sens = formeValue.Sens || "N/A";
        let sourcesContent = "";

        if (formeValue.Sources) {
            sourcesContent = formeValue.Sources.map(sourceLink => {
                const sourcePage = dv.page(sourceLink.path);
                if (sourcePage) {
                    const sourceBlock = sourcePage.blocks[sourceLink.ref];
                    return sourceBlock ? sourceBlock.text : "Source block not found";
                return "Source not found";

        // Add the row to the array
        rows.push([formeKey, pinyin, sens, sourcesContent]);

    // Render the table
    dv.table(["Forme", "Pinyin", "Sens", "Sources"], rows);
} else {
    dv.paragraph("Note not found or no 'forme' property available.");

The result of the query is better except for the Sources :

It seems it comes from of the Sources because if put the good name and write “sources” in the frontmatter i got this error message :

I am quite new to Obsidian and i don’t know how to code :confused: . I hope somebody could help me to solve this problem.
Thank you to have read this big text ! And sorry for my bad english.