I am trying to have a header, say h6 to appear inline with the following text, i.e. if I have in the reading pane
###### header6
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
to appear as,
header6 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
I expect that this will give me a way to number and link to subsections of text like it is in old math books without introducing additional anchors like the ones used for blocks of text, i.e. like ^saofjr , since I will link the header without something else.
Yup, totally possible. Here’s the result in all 3 modes (tested with a fresh Obsidian install, no theme and no plugins, so if it doesn’t work then try disabling plugins one by one or change theme):
One additional remark. When the paragraph following the header text contains mathjax content it seems that in the Live Edit view, it is like, the following,
6.1. Computation: —
If the roots of the equations $ax^2+2hx+b=0$ and $a’x^2 + 2h’x+b’=0$ form harmonic pairs of points, show that $ab’+a’b=2hh’$.
without rendering the formulas (this is minor problem), while in Reading View (this the major problem), there is a disaster, since all the characters in the formula appear in a different line, i.e. some thing like,
6.1 Computation
etc etc!
Is there a remedy for that?
Thanks again!