[Discontinued] Advanced Slides - Create markdown-based reveal.js presentations in Obsidian

Awesome, thanks for those quick fixes! And it looks like 1.16.5 shipped which includes these changes and indeed fixes the issues above :tada:

Although it looks like there is a similar issue with inline code blocks :grimacing:

`export ELIXIR_EDITOR="code --goto __FILE__:__LINE__"`

Get’s rendered as:

export ELIXIR_EDITOR="code --goto **FILE****LINE**

ohh yeah, thx for the feedback, will be fixed in the upcoming version

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Hello, I was using a custom css theme (based on the White theme) in which I had this line:

.reveal h1 {text-align: left;}

which aligned the header text to the left side of the slide.

Since the update to 1.17.3 this no longer works and everything is centered.

I can’t figure out how to change this back in css.

Is there a a way to align headings (actually, all text and content) to the left by default in a custom css in this new update?

I found out that I can use

<section style="text-align: left;">

in every slide to left align the text (although if the text bullets do not fill 100% of the slide width, the ‘container’ remains centered).

Still, a way to define this behavior for all slides at once would be better.

Hi, that’s correct, with 1.17 the internal behavior of the layouting engine changed, elements bounding boxes are now only as big as the element, therefore text-align seams not to work, because the box and the text in the box have the same width and therefore the alignment doesnt change.

I would suggest the following code for alignment:

h1 {
	align-self: start;

# Hallo

Thanks for the reply. I got it to work by including width: 98%;, but I will try the way you suggest.

Thanks also for your hard work on this plugin.

Happy to discover Advanced Slides. I’ve made a few reveal.js presentations before and am so happy I can work directly in Obsidian.

A few questions:

  1. how do i access the export options? i’ve been through the forum and can’t find the ‘three dots’. there is the slide-out menu accessed from the three lines. i can also open it with the M key. in the menu, my only options across the top are Slides and Close. I can’t find anything about printing or saving as html. What am I missing?
  2. is it possible to embed a functioning presentation directly in Obsidian Publish? Once I can get the save to html working, I know I can export out and host on github and then embed in an Obsidian note. Would love to have it working natively without the external hosting hassle.

Thanks for building this and for what seems to be pretty good interaction with the users. The world needs more active developers like you.

This is theme related, i guess that your theme hides the 3 dots, retry it with standard theme

No it’s not since you have to ship the revealjs runtime to render the slides with the html file the export functionality created.

Hello everyone. I’m new to advanced slide and I tried to publish it online in github. manage to get it published but the content was not there. this is my gitgub file. any tips is greatly appreciated

hi i have the same issue, but it didn’t improve when changing the file names :confused: I can create slides, but the content is not shown. Any suggestions? I run macOS Monterey 12.6. on M1 Max.

Hi, i have the same issue! Is there a solution for this? Changing Filenames to not contain spaces didn’t work for me

Today I released version 1.18.0. With this version, Advanced Slides supports Obsidian 1.0.0


  • Compatible with Obsidian 1.0.0

:rocket: Features

  • feature: added mermaid gitgraph support (#136)
  • feature: added Laser Pointer plugin
  • feature: mermaid diagrams now support darkMode (#128)
  • feature: allow mermaid configuration through frontmatter
  • feature: added frontmatter property defaultTemplate. DefaultTemplate allows you to apply a template to all slides you created in this deck (#131)
  • feature: Added setting to configure slide preview mode. You can now decide how the slide preview panel should be display, as workspace slide (default configuration as in Obsidian 0.15 and before), as new tab or new window

:bug: Fixes

  • bugfix: Set center: false cannot align everything to the left (#133)
  • bugfix: MathJax aligned environment breaks in templates (#132)
  • bugfix: image rendering causes markdown processor to skip transformation of next text block (#129)

:books: Documentation

  • docs: added documentation on laser pointer plugin (#135)
  • docs: added documentation on defaultTemplates
  • docs: added SaturdayShowcase to Learn more Section: SaturdayShowcase is a weekly format where the Advanced Slides developers feature presentations of their users.
  • docs: fixed default value for transition (#144)

hi - I enjoy the plugin a lot, primarily for its ability to quickly create a few slides from a few lines of markdown.

I keep running into the situation where I need to add html tags to adjust the font size for a slide, where I expected it to do a form of auto-adjust to fit on the slide.

E.g., the following simple slide doesn’t fit on a page when I present in a browser. (It does look ok in the slide preview)

Budget Needs

Team Budget Needs
Research $100K
Support $80K
Prod Dev 1 $50K
Prod Dev 2 $160K
Release Engineering $165K
Infrastructure $250K

The result is that I need to add and table formatting html to my markdown. I wanted to avoid all that.

Shouldn’t the font size have auto-adjusted in the browser?

Well that’s not as easy as you think, responsive html design as you see in the internet is pretty descriptive. Without any layout-information the rendering part doesnt know which column should take the empty space that’s there, or if an image that is part of the table should be scaled down to fit the column or extend the column, and if it’s get extended should text in another column rendered in multiple lines or should it stay in a single line… and so on…

The table renderer tries to render a table as best as possible ( it extends the with of the table to the width of the slide, which could cause the result that you described )

I whould suggest to wrap the table in an anonymous block and annotate the block with a fixed font size

::: block

First Header | Second Header
------------ | ------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column

::: <!-- element style="font-size:16px" -->

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(I realize my original request sounded easier than how it actually works)

Thanks for the guidance on using block.
That is simple enough and not very intrusive to the content.

Very cool features ! Thank you
I have a question, one of my notes shows the images in Markdown, in the slide preview the images are missing, but in the presentation the images are there. Trying to find out why the images are not present in the slide preview. Do you have an idea? Happy to send you the note if you provide an email address

Hi @digintel - I’ve encountered the same issue. Usually reducing the size of the image resolves the issue.

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thank you for the suggestion, unfortunately that did not work. Thankfully, the images are present in the presentation, not being able to see them in the slide preview is of course a bit of a hassle.

Hi, I am running into two issues using Advanced Slides.

  1. When I switch on the laser pointer option, the slide preview is blank.

  2. I am not seeing any button or menu options to export the slides to HTML. Here’s a screenshot of the Markdown source and the preview pane for a presentation:

Obsidian version: v.1.0.3
Installer: v1.0.0

Hi, I have the same problem, maybe the laser plugin do not load properly.

In the debug console :

plugins: [

Plugin version : 1.18.1