[Discontinued] Advanced Slides - Create markdown-based reveal.js presentations in Obsidian

Unfortunately I have to disappoint you, there is no way to convert slides from Power Point to Advanced Slides. The reason for this is the philosophy behind both approaches. Power Point uses a WYSIWYG philosophy, i.e. all layout settings can and must be configured by the user to create a slide. Advanced Slides uses a “convention over configuration” approach. This means that many of the settings that exist are made by Advanced Slides depending on the context of the respective element that is to be displayed. This makes it possible for simple markdown to be transformed into complex slides.

I would recommend you to manually convert your power point deck to advanced slides and then abstract that by extracting the layout information into a templates that you can reuse.

In the next step, you abstract the information in the slide into atomic notes and embed them in the slide, so you avoid redundancy in your notes

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Advanced Slides Preview & the output to the browser stopped working after today’s Obsidian update 0.15.6 Do you think that is related to the update or would you need more data to troubleshoot?

I need more data for troubleshoot. Im using 0.15.6 too and i was not able to reproduced any issues. Is there an exception in developer console?

plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:299 Uncaught (in promise) Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/Users/macpro/Documents/@OBSIDIAN/@HOME/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-advanced-slides/template/reveal.html’

await (async)
mf.handle_request @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
u @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
gf.dispatch @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
mf.handle_request @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
eval @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
b @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
b @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
vl.process_params @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
b @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
eval @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
mf.handle_request @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
w @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
eval @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
vl.process_params @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
b @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
eval @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
mf.handle_request @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
w @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
eval @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
vl.process_params @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
b @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
vl.handle @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:64
La.handle @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:74
e @ plugin:obsidian-advanced-slides:83
emit @ node:events:390
parserOnIncoming @ node:_http_server:951
parserOnHeadersComplete @ node:_http_common:128

uninstalling and installing fixed it :slight_smile:
Thank you for pointing me to the developer console

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Thank you - I appreciate your response and suggestion.

Dear MSzturc, I upgraded 1.15.0, but the template seems still not compatible.

Thanks for this great plugin! I’ve been really enjoying it for creating a presentation that I will be giving at an upcoming conference!

I do have a question. Is it possible to write text in the note/slide that isn’t considered to be part of the slide? For Excalidraw I believe that anything before the first header isn’t considered part of the drawing. Maybe something somewhat similar could here.

My use case is that I’d like to capture tasks (using - [ ] my task) as part of the slide, but I don’t want this content to appear in either the speaker notes or in the slide.

Markdown comments will not be included in the slide :blush:

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If you’re still looking for some slide templates, the slides from my most recent talk are available on github

live view

I’ve got some of my previous slides available online as well

all of the associated github repos should be available from my github profile


This plugin is really a powerful tool.
Is it possible to install the real.js plugin in obsidian advanced slides?
For example, I want to use real.js Simplemenu plugin to automatically generate a table of contents bar at the top of the slideshow.
The plugins for reveal.js are here.

For your usecase i would create a block thats not rendered:

::: block

- [ ] task 1
- [ ] task 2

::: <!-- element style="display:none" -->

Simplemenu plugin is already part of Advanced Slides. It’s disabled by default, have a look at Advanced Slides settings.

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Ah, that non-rendered block is perfect because then I still get the live preview of the content. Thanks! :heart:

FYI, this bug is back: Advanced Slides - Create markdown-based reveal.js presentations in Obsidian - #91 by Craig

>>> len.__doc__

>>> len.\_\_doc\_\_

Renders as:

>>> len.**doc**

>>> len.\_\_doc\_\_

will be fixed in next version

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Awesome, thanks!

Thank you for your answer. I know advanced slides has Menu plugin, but I didn’t find Simplemenu plugin. I would like to automatically display chapters and highlight the current chapter on the slides, something like the following.

Yeah, now i remember, i tried to integrate simplemenu because i like the aesthetics, too but there was no easy way to automatically generate the Titles. Simplemenu wants a data field to be filled for menu generation which is not trivial.

The menu plugin generates the menu by looking into the slide and taking the first header it finds. Maybe there is an option that the developer of simplemenu would integrate such behavior?! Otherwise it would be to complicated to integrate it.

I found another couple code block rendering oddities:


Is rendered as:



export ELIXIR_EDITOR="code --goto __FILE__:__LINE__"

Is rendered as:

export ELIXIR_EDITOR="code --goto **FILE****LINE**

both usecases will be fixed with next version

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