Diff / Text Compare Tool

I couldn’t find any other post with this idea so I’m sharing it here. Sometimes I import a bunch of notes and notice I have some similar ones and want to do a simple visual diff comparison of the two text files. I do this externally using various text tools but a neat plugin to do the trick would be handy.


I would love something like this. Very cool!

It might also be helpful if it could have a “search vault” functionality where any note that has a certain number of sequential matching characters would be returned. Maybe it could also have a leniency that allows a certain number of unmatched characters to be ignored in the determination.

I hope this idea isn’t too unrelated from your request, but what you are talking about is a problem I regularly deal with and for some reason when reading your request it triggered this idea for the first time.

I find myself searching by copying an important couple words or a sentence, and find the process to be very tedious. A plugin that automated this type of process would be awesome.

Great idea!


I’d love this for a different application. For those of us who wrote professionally (e.g. I’m an academic) and use a ZK method to assemble papers, self-plagiarism is a big risk. An app like this would go along way to helping: just store published versions I your vault and it’ll flag when you accidentally used the exact same note in two potential publications.

Would find this very useful. I currently have another application solely for this purpose on the rare occasion that I need it– Because on those rare occasions it is a life-saving feature.

I also think this would be great to have. I get conflicts sometimes when using my vault on different devices and it would be nice to see the differences and accept/merge the changes I want.

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Take a look at this plugin

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Does that compare different notes in the same vault? It looks like it compares different versions of the same vault.

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I created this plugin File Diff. With this you can easily compare two files. Optionally I added merge options, so you can easily fix the differences.

I created this plugin because I use SyncThing and it bothered me to clean up the merge conflicts by hand.

I am happy about feedback


How would this deal with javascript or css files? Would it detect at all that they’re source code, or just be happy showing the differences?

For the plugin, it does not matter which files are compared. You only have to be able to open the file somehow in Obsidian.

Was just looking for a diff plugin and ended up here :slight_smile: I hope File Diff gets accepted into community plugins soon, because this would be super useful for me! (And I’m sure I’m not the only one.)

I just use WinMerge (opensource) on the .md files. It’s very powerful and has so many merge options. https://winmerge.org/

@friebetill I just sponsored you with $10 for GitHub - friebetill/obsidian-file-diff: View the difference between two files within Obsidian. . I use Obsidian in combination with syncthing and THIS is what I needed.