holy shit, this is brilliant. I’ve been using diarium for years and been so frustrated by its bad text editor but couldn’t automatically link it to obsidian. Need to check this out, thanks for your work!
tried it and its pretty cool. Made a backup, import of roughly 900 entries was easy. I really loved the calendar view with photos at a first glance. Did not check for audio files though. But I have to tell you: I can’t migrate.
I forget details and what happened fast, so I use Diarium to visually keep my memory alive and find forgotten things. I scroll though my life and rediscover moments or explore the map when I know I’ve been somewhere, but forgot what happened. Your calendar view can’t do that, so its not fitting my use case. The other map plugin isn’t as smooth as I would like. So for now, I’ll leave my visual diary in Diarium and my text journal in obsidian.
But again, that my personal use case. I guess for less visual people this is really neat. Nice work
Oh, well it’s a little bit of a downer that you couldn’t find use for it, but I appreciate the kind appraisal!
If there’s something I can do to add in that visual aspect into the plugin, I’d appreciate you letting me know here or in an issue
Like if adding in the timeline view would help you, I can consider implementing that. But if it’s making the calendar scrollable, it would be more of a challenge, but I’d be willing to try to brainstorm ways that I could consider implementing it.
So for now, I’ll leave my visual diary in Diarium and my text journal in obsidian.
Wait, so does that mean that you’ll still use Diarian for the text part of your journal? Not that I’m pressuring you to use my plugin or anything
I’m entering this without prior knowledge of Dorian. I appreciate the calendar interface and the straightforward note creation process. Personally, I’ve utilized the Journals plugin because it enables me to utilize templates for daily, weekly, and other types of entries. It would be beneficial if your plugin could integrate with the location where I store my templates, allowing me to easily select and use them when creating journal entries in Dorian.
I personally just import my entire journal from Diarium once. I actually made the importer so that I could migrate from Diarium to Obsidian and then do everything within Obsidian after that. There’s one person who was trying to re-import their journal daily, but if you don’t have your settings set up for multiple notes per day, and you select the option How to handle duplicate notes → Append all new entries in the importer, it duplicates all of the entries and attachments every time you import it. So I either recommend importing your journal once and keeping everything in Obsidian, or setting up your vault to allow for multiple notes per day before importing it and selecting the option Keep last entry (overwrite) or Keep first entry (don’t overwrite) so that there are no duplicates.
Technically speaking though, you can use the plugin with whatever workflow you have!
Wait, so does that mean that you’ll still use Diarian for the text part of your journal? Not that I’m pressuring you to use my plugin or anything
no, I currently separate the moments/experiences (diarium) and “hard facts” (obsidian). Obsidian is simply superior for rediscovering and working with text, Diarium superior with media handling.
what I would use diarian for, is to merge those two journals and only use daily notes. But I don’t see me personally using it as long as It cannot replace what I like about Diarium most: the scrolling image calendar, map display and attachment gallery. Id honestly be happy with an automatic deep link to diarium, but that’s a whole other use case and plugin and also currently impossible, because the Diarium note IDs are random (unlike in obsidian).
Do you have a process to remind yourself to journal in Obsidian? I like the apps as they have gentle reminders. I know I can create various reminders on my phone but curious how you do this.
Just found this plug in and love it. Is there any way to designate where the notes get stored? I’d love to be able to automatically have them field in YYYY/MM/YYYY-MM-DD-dddd structure with a Journal Folder.
Oh hi sorry I didn’t see this until now. No I personally just journal whenever I feel like it or whenever I feel like I need it. I can’t set reminders because that for me would be similar to forcing journaling, and forcing anything has never really worked for me.
But yeah if you want reminders, any sort of reminder app or to-do app would work. I personally use Streaks for things like that, since I have an iPhone.
Hi! I think this is amazing, it’s just what I want it to do! However I’m having problems configuring it for journal notes in this order: YYYY/MM/YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm
I’ve got a template set up, so when I right click on my journal folder it does open the template for my journal in a new note. When I click on Diarian → New daily note it creates the year folder and the month folder, but it doesn’t open up the template in a new note.
I had it working before then I’ve messed it up somehow and now I can’t get it back to do what I want. Any hints where I’m going wrong? I think I’ve followed your instructions above but I’m obviously missing something.
It could also be that I’m very new to Obsidian so it might not even be anything to do with Diarian, but I wanted to ask anyway. For some days I have several entries and this will make it at lot easier to view, I also have it displayed in a big Journal note, all sorted accordingly.
Hello @Artos ! I’m glad it does what you want it to do, and I’m sorry for not getting to this until now. I don’t check the forums that often. Please create an issue and I can help you better and more promptly. Someone else also created another issue, and I’m concerned that maybe Obsidian updated the way it works. But either way, creating an issue will get your issue sorted faster