Define preview for embedded document

What I’m trying to do

I’m posting this in regards to a previous post, which seemed to get very little traction; My goal is to make a plugin which implements a TextView usable in a note, on the canvas etc. Unfortunately, there seems to be very little documentation available on how to actually do this. I’m hoping for some pointers.

Things I have tried

  • I’ve researched a preview feature for plugins
  • CodeMirror plugins which may allow this

Thanks for any pointers

In order to get help you need to describe and give a lot more information. Like what is the use case, and how far have you gotten already, and where are you stuck.

Just stating you need help with some plugin gives very little to work with.

You’re absolutely right. Sorry about that.

My goal is to be able to embed CSV files in a note and canvas. I’ve written an editor for CSV files, which also exposes a Markdown code post-processor as a read-only view.

I would like to have a read-only editor, which when clicked opens the file in write-enabled mode.

Ideally, on the canvas, I’d like to define a custom type of card that allows placing CSV files in writable mode