DC20 content & DnD 5e conversion tool


I’m totally new to this so I hope I don’t break any rules.
I’ve started preparing my first Oneshots for my upcoming games and I wanted to start using Obsidian for it.

I browsed the community plugins for a while but didn’t find anything DC20 related yet.
(=successfully kickstartered TTRPG system https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thedungeoncoach/dc20/description).

I was wondering if somebody is working, or wants to work on one or the other plugin for Obsidian for it? Even though the System is still in Alpha.

Besides some free sources here: DC20 Free Downloads

I also found something on Github that seems to be the Conversion Guide - which should allow any 5e statblock to be translated into a DC20 statblock. Obviously it would be amazing if this could be auto"magically" translate the whole 5e content into DC20.

Thank you so much for looking into this & have a great day,