Day Planner and Journals compatibility

Is the Day Planner plugin compatible with the Journals plugin. I’m currently using the Calendar and Periodic Notes plugins with Day Planner. Works great. I’d like to migrate to the Journals plugin but don’t want to screw up Day Planner functionality. Can anyone confirm whether they are compatible?

You can have a look at the Dusk vault example and play around with it . I downloaded the there and simply opened it as a new vault folder to have a look what is possible with those plugins.
This vault uses the Journals and Day Planner plugin together and as far as I can tell they work together with no problems.

Thanks for the reference. I downloaded the vault, and it does include the Day Planner plugin, but it wasn’t enabled. Very intricate and targeted functionality but doesn’t use Day Planner. However, it makes a good sandbox vault so I’ve been using it to test out interaction between Journals and Day Planner without screwing up my production vaults. So far it doesn’t look like Day Planner is fully functional with Journals.