Dataview to show content (bullet list / paragraph) from other note between H2s or Tags (# or YAML)

Things I have tried

TABLE FROM "Daily Notes" WHERE contains(tags, "#dr/gratitude")

What I’m trying to do

I have some defined sections on my Daily Notes separated by H2. Let’s say: Gratitude, Achievements, Insights. After de H2 I have som text (in fact, a bullet list).

If I scroll through my daily notes I can review the content from that day. (Captain Obvious here)

But I would like to create a note that “reverse” this. So, for example, I can see all the “Gratitude” content form several days in that note. I am thinking of using Dataview for this since the content already exists in my Daily Notes.

So far, I have the sections separated by H2 and added a tag after the H2.If needed, I can learn to use the dataviewjs.

If possible, I would like to avoid having to add the tag to each element in the bullet list to keep things clear. (Or I could do that if there is a way to “hide” them in the Reading View)

Thanks in advance!

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