Dataview Task Query - Only tasks created today

Things I have tried

I’ve tried searching but can’t find a query for tasks only created today. I have a query for tasks due today, but can’t get the syntax right for the other query.

What I’m trying to do

I’m trying to have simple list of all tasks that I’ve created on today so that I can process them or move them to my task manager.

Within Obsidian you can only tell if the entire file was created on a given day, or if a file was modified on a given day.

You don’t know when a task is created unless the entire file was created that day, or if the task has additional data associated with it like its creation date.

And if a file was modified a given day, you can’t tell whether any task within that file was added or if the modification was something else. So the task from a modified file could be as old as the file.

The reason due dates work is that they do have that date associated with them, so if you want this you need to add the creation date to your task definitions.

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From: Metadata on Tasks and Lists - Dataview

- [ ] Here is task 1 (created::2023-02-03 )
- [ ] Here is task 2 (created::2023-02-02 )
- [ ] Here task 3 ➕2023-02-03 

## dataview query here …
WHERE created = date("2023-02-03")

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I could be wrong but I think the TS wants a dynamic list and not set the date of today itself.

- [ ] Here is task 1 (created::2023-02-03 )
- [ ] Here is task 2 (created::2023-02-02 )
- [ ] Here task 3 ➕2023-02-03 

## dataview query here …

WHERE created = date(today)


WHERE created = date(yesterday)

It creates these lists:

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