I apologize in advance if what I’m trying to explain doesn’t make sense; I have never been great at explaining my thoughts. I’ve used Obsidian for a few years now but have never gotten too advanced.
What I’m trying to do
I have a vault for work notes and I use the inline metadata MatterLog:: to keep track of all changes, progress, and tasks that I do for clients that each have their own notes linked to it. All clients have their own dataview log with these notes (ie. draft document sent to this person for review or package from this client received, etc). Even though they are different clients, I use the same inline metadata to track ALL notes that are done in a separate page as it’s own database/reference.
What I’m trying to do is see if there is a way to filter it so that the specific client page that is mentioned is the ONLY entry shown on their own specific page and excluding the other entries that do not have the same name/file link.
To reiterate, I’m trying to only display note entries for a specific client on their specific page, but still keep ALL note entries with the same inline metadata for the Matter “database” for my own reference.
(Note that I do not link directly to the client note, I just emphasize them in the entry, so I do not want to use this.file.link in this case)
I hope this makes sense lol
Things I have tried
I have tried using FLATTEN or GROUP BY but I don’t think I fully understand how it works yet as it does not always show the result that I’m looking for and sometimes even excludes the entry I want all together. I write these entries as I go throughout the day and do not sort them when the day is done if that matters.
I have tried using the AND/OR contains() but for some reason it sometimes just stops showing any details all together in the table.
My note entries are formatted like so on my daily notes:
MatterLog:: Draft document sent to Jane Doe for review.
MatterLog:: 🫱🏻🫲🏻 Meeting with John Smith in large conference room.
MatterLog:: Phone call with Jane Doe about upcoming meeting.
And this is the table that I’m trying to use for Jane Doe:
table MatterLog as "Log"
from "Daily Recap"
where contains(MatterLog, this.file.name)
sort file.name desc
This works, but if I have made any other entries like I did with John Smith, he will also show in the table on Jane Doe’s page as extra bullet points. I ONLY want any entries for Jane Doe to be shown on her own file page and exclude all other entries that might have been made in that same daily note.