Hi Obsidian Lovers.
I’m trying to use the function sum in the dataview.
this is a sample of the table I need to use:
- nome: pippo
cifra: 200 - nome: pluto
cifra: 150 - nome: pippo
cifra: 100
these are he query
table entry.nome as "Nome", entry.cifra as "Cifra"
from "TestDati"
flatten dati as entry
table sum(entry.cifra) as "Somma Totale"
from "TestDati"
flatten dati as entry
group by null
table entry.cifra as "Cifra", typeof(entry.cifra) as "Tipo"
from "TestDati"
flatten dati as entry
table entry.nome as "Nome", sum(number(entry.cifra)) as "Totale Cifra"
from "TestDati"
flatten dati as entry
group by entry.nome
sort sum(number(entry.cifra)) desc
and the results
File3 Nome Cifra
TestDati pippo 200
TestDati pluto 150
TestDati pippo 100
null1 Somma Totale
- -
File3 Cifra Tipo
TestDati 200 number
TestDati 150 number
TestDati 100 number
entry.nome2 Nome Totale Cifra
pippo - -
pluto - -
as you can see the sum function is not working.
Where is my mistake?