Dataview - show tags separately

What I’m trying to do

Hi, I am trying to create a table in which I will see the notes from a certain location (folder / tag) where the tags will be visible, but separately. Each tag will have its own column and will see with the help of a character defined by me, whether the note includes it or not. (I don’t want true or false, but I want to see ideally the name of the tag if the note contains it)

Things I have tried

I have for now this: but it does show all the tags together.
I use two tags:

  • :inbox_tray:
  • :evergreen_tree:Tree
TABLE without ID as Name, file.mtime as Modified, join(file.tags, "") as Tags, file.cday as Created
From #🌲Tree  
SORT file.mtime desc

Thank you for your attention!

It took me a little while, but you should be able to achieve your goals through some use of filter(file.tags, ...), see filter(). Something like the following might get you started:

TABLE file.tags, inboxTag, treeTag, otherTags
WHERE file.folder = this.file.folder
FLATTEN list(filter(file.tags, (t) => contains(t, "📥"))) as inboxTag
FLATTEN list(filter(file.tags, (t) => t = "#🌲")) as treeTag
FLATTEN list(filter(file.tags, (t) => !contains(t, "📥") AND !contains(t, "🌲"))) as otherTags

Note that there is a difference whether you use contains() or test for equality like shown for the tree tagged file. With some simple test files in my vault, this list the following:

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