Dataview related guidance requested for Key Takeaways

I’m attempting to summarize some of my lengthy notes with “Key Takeaways.”
(Key takeaways could consist of 4-5 points, each with a maximum of 2-3 lines.)

I need advice or suggestions on how to put this into practice using dataview

In the case, talking in an abstract mode is a difficult start point.
Could you provide a concrete example?

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Sure! Here is an example: (This excerpt was taken from internet)

Intangible Assets

Key Takeaways

  1. An intangible asset is an asset that is not physical in nature, such as a patent, brand, trademark, or copyright.

  2. Businesses can create or acquire intangible assets.

  3. An intangible asset can be considered indefinite (a brand name, for example) or definite, like a legal agreement or contract.

  4. Intangible assets created by a company do not appear on the balance sheet and have no recorded book value. (Acquired intangible Assets are amortized hence are shown in Balance Sheet)

Detailed Notes

An asset that can neither be seen nor touched. The most common of these are competencies, Goodwill, and intellectual properties such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Goodwill is probably the most intangible and invisible of all Assets as no document provides evidence of its existence and its commercial value is difficult to determine. However, it frequently does have very substantial value as the capitalized value of future profits, not attributable purely to the return on tangible assets. Intangible assets are increasingly seen as the key to competitive advantage and the market value of a firm

… [Followed by few 5 paragraphs detailing how to amortize and where entries go in balance sheet and why + Screenshot + a few audit notes (available in public domain for some well known companies) + Brief Legal Stuff]

I am not sure if I may have to make atomic notes and then glue them together OR I could highlight keynotes Or use fields to annotate keynotes (which in turn could be displayed under "Key Takeaways .

I may be completely off base, but I was wondering if there was a way for me to apply a Dataview Field template across my notes and then just query my notes for “Key Takeaways” at a later time (rather then going through all at once)

Found the answer! :slight_smile:

Its simple - Just use inline field [FieldName:: Value]] for key takeaways .

Here is screenshot for reference

Yes, you can use the inline fields.
But for a repeated topics (like a Summary section in some notes) you can use another approach with bullet lists.
An example:

# This is my note

## Summary
- An intangible asset is an asset that is not physical in nature, such as a patent, brand, trademark, or copyright.
- Businesses can create or acquire intangible assets.
- An intangible asset can be considered indefinite (a brand name, for example) or definite, like a legal agreement or contract.
- Intangible assets created by a company do not appear on the balance sheet and have no recorded book value. (Acquired intangible Assets are amortized hence are shown in Balance Sheet)

## Other things 

An asset that can neither be seen nor touched. The most common...

Now, the query to capture all the content inside Summary section.
The basic query:

TABLE Lists.text As "My Topics"
FROM "your-folder-path"
WHERE file.lists
FLATTEN file.lists AS Lists
WHERE meta(Lists.section).subpath = "Summary"


TABLE WITHOUT ID Lists.text As "My Topics"
FROM "your-folder-path"
WHERE file.lists
FLATTEN file.lists AS Lists
WHERE meta(Lists.section).subpath = "Summary"
TABLE rows.Lists.text As "My Topics"
FROM "your-folder-path"
WHERE file.lists
FLATTEN file.lists AS Lists
WHERE meta(Lists.section).subpath = "Summary"

Brilliant!!! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much!

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