I am trying to query the projects from “Projekte” folder.
My first approach was to list the folder names inside the folder “Projekte” but I couldn’t do it.
I always got only the Files inside the Folders.
Now I tried with the query:
TABLE WITHOUT ID Projekt, Status, Priorität, Enddatum, Erstellt
FROM "Projekte"
I get a response but the table gets filled with empty spaces.
Is there a way to either list only the folder names inside the folder “Projekte” or to remove the empty spaces and add a link to the Projects so when I click on it I get redirected to the Project folder?
WHERE contains(file.folder, "Projekte")
GROUP BY file.folder
TABLE rows.file.link
WHERE contains(file.folder, "Projekte")
GROUP BY regexreplace(file.folder, ".*\/([^\/]+)$", "$1") AS Folder
TABLE rows.file.link AS Projekte-Doku, Status, Priorität, Enddatum, Erstellt
WHERE contains(file.folder, "Projekte")
GROUP BY regexreplace(file.folder, ".*\/([^\/]+)$", "$1") AS Projekt```
The data Status,Priorität,etc is stored inside the files from a projekt, in this case under “Roadmap”.
Wish I knew the answer to this. Perhaps flatten would help with the missing data. Unfortunately I am well beyond the limits of my own use and knowledge.
Hopefully someone else can help; you really need someone like holroy who wrote the post I linked to originally — a Dataview genius.
Whenever you add a GROUP BY clause anything previously available as fieldname becomes available as a list through rows.fieldname, and the original field is unavailable (or empty as you put it).