Dataview : path to an image stored on iCloud OR from web

What I’m trying to do

Hi everyone,
I created a bookshelf using dataview . To retrieve cover images I use booksearch plugin. Everything’s fine if booksearch finds the cover image or if can find the cover using google image.
There are some books without a weblink to their cover so I downloaded jpg files of covers stored in attachment directory (inside my icloud drive). I find this solution for local image using dataview that works fine, but I can’t view cover url and local image with one dataview code. For example I have 120 cover url and 24 local image. If I use a method for cover url I can’t see the local images and vice versa

Things I have tried

For cover url:

TABLE WITHOUT ID AS "Titolo", author as Author, ("![|100](" + cover + ")") as Cover, rating as Voto, Anno_di_lettura as "Anno letto", pages as "Pag."
From "002 Reading"
WHERE file != this.file

For local images:

TABLE WITHOUT ID AS "Titolo", author as Author, embed(link(cover, "150")) as Cover, rating as Voto, Anno_di_lettura as "Anno letto", pages as "Pag."
From "002 Reading"
WHERE file != this.file

How can use both kind of images using dataview?

Thank you

have the same issue with a peoples list - only the ones with weblinks show up - but not the locally stored images.

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