Dataview on deep relationships

Ok, I was ble to get closer by looking at another one of the posts from @holroy here

Now, I am able to see the sum but lost the creation colum :frowning:

TABLE WITHOUT ID as "Project/Program/Subproject",
dateformat(date(created-date,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"),"yyyy-MM-dd") as creation,
length(rows.inltaskx.text) as count
FROM !"System"
FLATTEN file.inlinks as inl
FLATTEN inl.file.tasks as inltaskx
FLATTEN inltaskx.outlinks as inltaskxo
WHERE (econtains(tags, "type/project") OR econtains(tags, "type/sub-project") )
AND (icontains(state, "active") OR icontains(state, "new")) 
AND (contains(inltaskxo, AND (inltaskx.status="u")
GROUP by file
SORT filename DESC

The result is
Project/ Program/Sub-Project creation count
Setup Obsidian Project - 23
…continues with other projects…

Which is correct but unfortunately I eliminated the creation value which showed before
I tried adding other grouping elements but got an error
Not sure how to combine both
PS I have several other columns like “creation” that are file properties. I just removed from the original post to simplify the request.