What I’m trying to do
I’m trying to make a simple dataview table that groups by a single tag, say show all “meeting notes” for project “obsidian” so
TABLE date as "Date", project AS "Project", participants AS "Participants"
WHERE project = "Obsidian" AND type = "meeting notes"
This works fine. The problem occurs with how the frontmatter/property is done. When I use quickadd, or just add the property “Obsidian” by hand, it enters just fine. It doesn’t, however, show up in the query. When I look at the md file “Obsidian” is added as
- Obsidian
which seems to be invisible to dataview with the above query. When I adjust it to
project: Obsidian
then it appears.
Further, once it appears, if I had “Multiple participants” like
All of those will show up in the table
Things I have tried
I’m not sure what to try. I don’t want to edit the properties since that’s the default way they’re listed, but dataview seems to think when using “WHERE” that these are incorrect. When I choose a LIST instead I get something like
- Dog
- Cat
And it’s treating those first two properties differently than the second two by including the dash and space as though they are part of the category.
What am I doing wrong?