Dataview help with a query calculating an amount from frontmatter emojis

What I’m trying to do

I am wondering if there is a way in dataview to run a query that populates a table grouping frontmatter values by week/date ( but calculating a numerical amount based on the emojis used in frontmatter… Basically I would like to have a query that calculates my weekly alcohol intake, which I save to frontmatter in Daily Notes as an emoji, i.e. :beer: or :beer::beer: or :wine_glass: or :wine_glass::beer: etc (or nothing at all ofc); but I want the query to actually tell me the numerical units of alcohol based on the total emojis used each day. For example:

:beer: = 2.5 units (so :beer::beer::beer: = 7.5 units)
:wine_glass: = 1.5 units (so :wine_glass::wine_glass: = 3 units)

Things I have tried

Searched on the forum but couldn’t find what I need (I am a relatively new starter with Obsidian and dataview especially)

In which property do you store your intake? And what do you get if you do:

TABLE unit
WHERE drinks
FLATTEN drinks as unit

Replace drinks with your property name.

Alternatively what do you get if you replace the flatten line with FLATTEN split(drinks) as unit?

Do either of these queries produce a list with singular drinks on each line?

Hi, see pic.

Fyi, this is the query I am currently using, but as above, I want to be able to calculate units of alcohol each week (and ideally, summed too!)

TABLE mood, alcohol
FROM "Daily notes"
WHERE >= date( - dur(1 week) AND < date(
SORT asc

shows as

After a little testing, I discovered that doing split( ..., "") on the beer and wine glass indeed was multi-byte unicode characters, which makes the query a little more ugly. But the following seems to work for a simpler test case:

TABLE WITHOUT ID drink, singleChar, units, sum(units)
WHERE file = this.file
FLATTEN drinks as drink
FLATTEN regexreplace(regexreplace(drink, 
    "🍺", "B"),
    "🍷", "W")
  as singleChar
FLATTEN list(map(split(singleChar, ""), (c) => object(
 "B", 2.5, "W", 1.5)[c])) as units
SORT sum(units) DESC

Here we replace the multi-byte characters with a single byte character, singleChar. These characters are then mapped to a numeric value, and that list is stored into units, and then you could do sum(units) to calculate the total amount.

For my test file this query produces this result:

I leave it up to the reader to adapt this into a weekly consumption query…

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Thank you!! I will have a play around with this.

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