Dataview - Calculation Sum of work hours (clock-in and clock-out) with overtime

Things I have tried

I have been searching the whole wide Internet, but couldn’t come up with a solutions that fits my idea.

What I have so far is the following:

		dateformat(, "cccc") as "weekday",
		dateformat(, "WW") as "calendarweek",
		clock-in as "clockin",
		clock-out as "clockout",
		date("2022-01-01T" + clock-out) - date("2022-01-01T" + clock-in) as "workhours"
from "Calendar/days"
sort desc
		date("2022-01-01T" + clock-out) - date("2022-01-01T" + clock-in) as "work hours"
from "Calendar/days"
group by dateformat(, "WW | yyyy") as "calendarweek"
sort desc

What I’m trying to do

Everyday I arrive at work and I write down my time in a daily note in frontmatter as “clock-in” and when I leave I also note the time as “clock-out”.
My company expects me to work exactly 38.5 hours a week. From Monday to Thursday I have a break for exactly 45 minutes.
Usually I have to come to work at 07:00 and have to leave at 16:00, except fridays I leave earlier at 12:30.

However I work overtime sometimes and I want to know how many hours per day/week/month/year I have worked overtime, so I can know when to ask for time compensation.

I have an extra Note, where I want to keep track of all this information.
This is how it looks:

I havent figured out, how to achieve this work hour tracking, so I am asking you.

Additional Information:

I also want to track my time, where I am on vacation and/or am sick.

So how do you think would be the best solution to achieve this?

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Small fixes:

  • When you use a GROUP BY in your table, you need to change any field names in the displayed columns to be rows.field.
  • The result of date() - date() in dataview is a dur(), so you need to pull the hours field from that before you can get the total.
  • Then I think you want sum to total the hours for the week. So for example :
		sum((date("2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-out) - date("2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-in)).hours) as "work hours"
from "Calendar/days"
group by dateformat(, "WW | yyyy") as "calendarweek"
sort desc

Good luck!

Hm I tried that, but I get the following result:

Ooops, I must have made a mistake then, sorry! How I would investigate the issue would be to display pieces of the calculation and see where there is an issue. For example, just show the “workhours” (should be a list for each week), then if that shows up, do the conversion to hours, then the sum.
A typo in my previous query (would have only affected the English version, not the one in your images): if your field name contains a - then write it as rows["clock-out"] rows["clock-in"]. if your fieldname has no punctuation, can use the rows.fieldName way of writing it in the groupby.

Also it looks like your sort desc does not work - I think you need sort calendarweek desc?

Hey thanks for your help and the quick answer, unfortunatly it doesnt resolve the issue.
Still no data the way I would like to see it^^

I guess, I have to invest some more of my, hopefully yours and the communities brain power into this = )

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Hi, so sorry that my answers are not helping! Just to confirm: is your dataview plugin up to date (Settings → Community Plugins → Check for Updates button)?

I do not have the same time-tracking as you in my daily notes but I did experiment with a numeric field I have tasks-done-today.

TABLE sum(rows["tasks-done-today"]) AS "sum"
FROM "testFolder"
GROUP BY dateformat(, "WW") as "calendarWeek"
SORT calendarWeek DESC

This appears to be working correctly in my vault, including seeing the output table sorted in the correct order. I cannot tell how your example differs from this one that works - maybe you can? Or maybe @Craig or @justdoitcc can add some more dataview expertise?
Good luck!

Edit: typo in codeblock

Hi all,

Thanks for pinging me. This is an interesting problem! I think the issue is that we have a calculated field (workhours) that needs to be calculated per file before we can aggregate it up to the week level. Here’s the query I used to do the calculation:

	sum(map(rows, (item) => 
		date("2022-01-01T" + item.clock-out) - 
		date("2022-01-01T" + item.clock-in))) 
		as "workhours"
FROM "Scratch"
GROUP BY dateformat(, "WW | yyyy") as "calendarweek"
SORT calendarweek desc

Before we can sum hours for the week, we must first use the map() function to iterate over each file and calculate the work hours for the day. That returns a list of durations, which we then use the sum() function to add together into a single field, which we name “workhours”.

I sort by week descending in this example, since that seems to be what you intended in your query.

(The FROM and WHERE clauses are different than yours, so as to just select the files from my particular vault.)

Finally, here’s a working example from my vault:

I hope this helps! Please let us know if it works for you.


@Craig thanks! When I was testing things for my first post in this thread, I got an error about sum not handling Durations, but yours seems to be fine with that. Any idea why we got different results?

@scholarInTraining The bug is found!



1.How to debug a code in DQL or Inline DQL?
2.How to calculate the difference between two DateTimes as a Duration?
3.How to sum up the duration of a column(F_workhours), grouping by another column(F_calendarweek)?

1. Input


1.1. dictionary files

  • location: “100_Project/02_dataview/Q09_Sum_groupBy/Q09_test_data”

1.1.1. N06

  • filename : dic_20220601_clock
Date: 2022-06-01
clock-in: 06:30
clock-out: 13:25

  • filename : dic_20220602_clock
Date: 2022-06-02
clock-in: 06:00
clock-out: 14:10

  • filename : dic_20220603_clock (wrong input)
Date: 2022-06-03
clock-in: 06:00ice
clock-out: 14:10coffee

1.1.2. L07

  • filename : dic_20220704_clock
Date: 2022-07-04
clock-in: 07:20
clock-out: 14:00

  • filename : dic_20220705_clock
Date: 2022-07-05
clock-in: 07:20
clock-out: 14:00

  • filename : dic_20220709_weekend
Date: 2022-07-09

2. DQL10_debgug_Small_fixes_of_scholarInTraining


2.1. Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
a date format string, or a list yes 1.To debgug: date("2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-out) step by step
2.To sum hours for the week of groupBy data
A bug ocurrs.

2.2. Inline DQL

a_Result11==map([10, 20, 30], (e) => e + 6)
//=>16, 26, 36

a_Result12==map(["A", "B", "C"], (e) => e + "P")
//=>AP, BP, CP

2.2.1. OK

s_an_ISO_string=="2022-01-01T" + "13:25"//=>2022-01-01T13:25
a_an_ISO_string==map(["13:25","14:10"], (e) => "2022-01-01T"+ e)
//=>2022-01-01T13:25, 2022-01-01T14:10

2.2.2. the bug: NG

string + array = string , but not an ISO date string

s_Not_an_ISO_string=="2022-01-01T" + ["13:25","14:10"]//=>2022-01-01T13:25, 14:10

2.3. Notes

  • 2022-07-26 add WHERE row["clock-in"] AND row["clock-out"]

2.4. Code DQL10_debgug_Small_fixes_of_scholarInTraining

title: DQL10_debgug_Small_fixes_of_scholarInTraining =>1.To debgug: `date("2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-out)` step by step 2.To sum hours for the week of groupBy data
collapse: close

      calendarweek AS "Group",
	  sum((date("2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-out) - date("2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-in)).hours) AS "work hours",

      rows.clock-out as "S1_rows.clock-out",
        "2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-out AS "S2_ISO_string",
      date("2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-out) AS "S3_date_S2",
      typeof(date("2022-01-01T" + rows.clock-out)) AS "S4_type_S3"        
FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q09_Sum_groupBy/Q09_test_data"
WHERE row["clock-in"] AND row["clock-out"]
GROUP BY dateformat(, "WW | yyyy") AS "calendarweek"

2.3.1. Screenshots(DQL10)

3. DQL20_FLATTEN_calendarweek


3.1. Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
DQL20_FLATTEN_calendarweek a date format string, or a list yes 1.To sum hours for the calendarweek
2.To use FLATTEN to transform lists into non-lists
3.To use FLATTEN to create an alias for a new field

3.2. Notes

  • 2022-07-26 add WHERE row["clock-in"] AND row["clock-out"]
  • 2022-08-02 add WHERE F_clock_in AND F_clock_out

3.3. Code DQL20_FLATTEN_calendarweek

title: DQL20_FLATTEN_calendarweek => 1.To sum hours for the calendarweek 2.To use `FLATTEN` to transform lists into non-lists 3.To use `FLATTEN` to create an alias for a new field
collapse: close
      F_weekday AS "weekday",
      F_calendarweek AS "calendarweek",
      clock-in AS "clockin",
      clock-out AS "clockout",     
      F_workhours  AS "workhours"
FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q09_Sum_groupBy/Q09_test_data"
WHERE row["clock-in"] AND row["clock-out"]
SORT desc
FLATTEN dateformat(, "cccc") AS F_weekday
FLATTEN dateformat(, "WW | yyyy") AS F_calendarweek
FLATTEN date("2022-01-01T" + row["clock-in"]) AS F_clock_in
FLATTEN date("2022-01-01T" + row["clock-out"]) AS F_clock_out
FLATTEN F_clock_out - F_clock_in AS F_workhours
WHERE F_clock_in AND F_clock_out

3.2.1. Screenshots(DQL20)

4. DQL30_FLATTEN_groupBY_calendarweek


4.1. Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
a date format string, or a list yes 1.To sum hours for the week
2.To use FLATTEN to transform lists into non-lists
3.To use FLATTEN to create an alias for a new field
4.Not to use map to dael with a list
1.To use map such as Craig : To calculate field (workhours) by using map to iterate over each element of lists is a basic method.

4.2. Notes

  • 2022-07-26 add WHERE row["clock-in"] AND row["clock-out"]
  • 2022-08-02 add WHERE F_clock_in AND F_clock_out

4.3. Code DQL30_FLATTEN_groupBY_calendarweek

title: DQL30_FLATTEN_groupBY_calendarweek =>1.To sum hours for the week of groupBy data 2.To use `FLATTEN` to transform lists into non-lists 3.To use `FLATTEN` to create an alias for a new field 4.Not to use `map` to dael with a list
collapse: close
      GF_calendarweek AS "Group",
      sum(rows.F_workhours) AS "workhours"
FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q09_Sum_groupBy/Q09_test_data"
WHERE row["clock-in"] AND row["clock-out"]
FLATTEN dateformat(, "WW | yyyy") AS F_calendarweek
FLATTEN date("2022-01-01T" + row["clock-in"]) AS F_clock_in
FLATTEN date("2022-01-01T" + row["clock-out"]) AS F_clock_out
FLATTEN F_clock_out - F_clock_in AS F_workhours
WHERE F_clock_in AND F_clock_out
GROUP BY F_calendarweek AS GF_calendarweek
SORT GF_calendarweek DESC


4.2.1. Screenshots(DQL30)


Thank you very much @justdoitcc !! That was very educational for me. :slight_smile:

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Hmm, no, not off the top of my head. If you’d like to investigate further, you could post your data files and your query, and I could try to troubleshoot the error.

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That’s clever! I like the way you used FLATTEN to create calculated fields.


wow thank you all, that is brilliant!
I got the list right now the way I wanted it!

really great!!!

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You could post your data files as a zip file, and I could try to troubleshoot the error.

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I found the reason. It’s weekends. If you don’t work on weekends, there is no clock-in and clock-out. :smiley:

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Thank you! It is taken into consideration.

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Yes, with filtering added it’s fine

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