Data view workarround to show images and some problems

Hello everybody! So I’m not new to obsidian, but relatively new to dataview and other really cool features.

Basically, I’m setting my Daily/Weekly/Monthly notes. Since I’m an Illustrator I’m working on saving an image with paintings and daily studies in one image and showing them in a table on dataview. And this is what I got:

Heres how I would add manually on my daily notes:

  • art_productions_log::file:///C:/Users/(path)/20220328173204.png

And here’s the table on weekly notes:

table ("![art_productions_log|800](" + art_productions_log + ")") as Entry
from  #Periodic/Daily📆  AND [[Weekly Review 2022-W15 (Apr-11)]]
WHERE art_productions_log and (file.mtime >= (date("2022-04-11"))) and (file.ctime <= date("2022-04-17")+dur(1 day))

I found that I need to specify the path, but the path can’t have spaces between words, so the path needs to be only on single worded (or divided by _-.,etc). But the path to my Attachment folder and the pasted image obsidian automatically saves have spaces in between, this led me to adding those images in a different folder and needing to edit the name of them.
I also need to manually specify the path.

So my main questions would be, is it possible to have the “not-single-spaced” files and paths used, and would it be an automation to add this path to the dataview code?

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