- [ ] Suppose say this is a Main task which will going to have only Sub-Tasks and their Sub-sub Tasks | ⏫ [due:: 2024-10-19] #Test #SubTasks/🔥bugs #Bug
- [ ] This is the first Sub Task, updating
- [ ] This is the first sub-sub Task
- [ ] This is first sub-sub-sub task
- [ ] Adding New three level Indentation subTask
- [ ] This is second sub-sub Task
Adding a line here, the below tasks has been achieved. This line was added from the Modal using textArea box.
- [x] This is the Second Sub Task
- [x] This is the first sub-sub Task
- [x] This is second sub-sub Task, Updated
Obsidian version: v1.7.7
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Other points
Using the default theme of Obsidian, but the issue seems to persist with all the other themes too.
Also forgot to mention, the indentation of the line “- This is the first sub-sub Task” gets reduced to one, but actually it’s two level indented. Similar thing happens with the below lines to it.
- [ ] Suppose say this is a Main task which will going to have only Sub-Tasks and their Sub-sub Tasks | ⏫ [due:: 2024-10-19] #Test #SubTasks/🔥bugs #Bug
- [ ] This is the first Sub Task, updating
- [ ] This is the first sub-sub Task
- [ ] This is first sub-subsub task
- [ ] Adding New three level Indentation subTask
- [ ] This is second sub-sub Task
Adding a line here, the below tasks has been achieved. This line was added from the Modal using textArea box.
- [x] This is the Second Sub Task
- [x] This is the first sub-sub Task
- [x] This is second sub-sub Task, Updated
So the line “Adding a line here, the below tasks has been …” should always be indented to the same level as its previous line ?
If I do this, now I am able to see the sub-tasks below that line, but that specific line, didnt got rendered :
Source Mode :
- [ ] Suppose say this is a Main task which will going to have only Sub-Tasks and their Sub-sub Tasks | ⏫ [due:: 2024-10-19] #Test #SubTasks/🔥bugs #Bug
- [ ] This is the first Sub Task, updating
- [ ] This is the first sub-sub Task
- [ ] This is first sub-sub-sub task
- [ ] Adding New three level Indentation subTask
- [ ] This is second sub-sub Task
Adding a line here, the below tasks has been achieved. This line was added from the Modal using textArea box.
- [x] This is the Second Sub Task
- [x] This is the first sub-sub Task
- [x] This is second sub-sub Task, Updated
There is another issue I am facing, let me know if anybody else also facing this:
The line “Adding a line here, the below tasks has been a…” is indented to only one level, so when my cursor is moving from left to right, it is not placed close to the first character of this line, there is some gap between the ‘A’ and the cursor. After pressing one more time, the cursor moves right to the ‘A’, it crosses the first character, as can be seen from the above gif.
@anon45210282 can you please share what are you able to see in Reading Mode if you paste the exact below raw data :
- [ ] Suppose say this is a Main task which will going to have only Sub-Tasks and their Sub-sub Tasks | ⏫ [due:: 2024-10-19] #Test #SubTasks/🔥bugs #Bug
- [ ] This is the first Sub Task, updating
- [ ] This is the first sub-sub Task
- [ ] This is first sub-sub-sub task
- [ ] Adding New three level Indentation subTask
- [ ] This is second sub-sub Task
Adding a line here, the below tasks has been achieved. This line was added from the Modal using textArea box.
- [x] This is the Second Sub Task
- [x] This is the first sub-sub Task
- [x] This is second sub-sub Task, Updated
I hope this issue will be solved soon. The Reading mode becomes useless for notes with this type of multi-level indented tasks.
The second issue might not be that annoying as first one, but still get on my nerves sometimes.