"Dark Moss" theme (only dark)

Hi. This color theme is based on an atom, I have supplemented it with github colors and color headers for easy visual search. And some other small details.
The theme is only dark.
The theme is available in “obsidian community themes”.



Hi @sergy - I didn’t want this thread to auto-close without getting my chance to say THANK YOU.

I must have cycled through every Community Theme and in the end, yours is perfect for me. I implemented it last week and it’s made a huge difference. I only made some very minor tweaks to select Open Sans as my Editor/Preview font instead of Droid Sans, but other than that I use it pretty much as-is. Thanks again. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, just in case I submitted a request to add a theme for easy download via obsidian community themes. So I think this thread can safely close.

I wanted to use open sans, but apparently forgot. Woops

Yay, that’s AWESOME theme :fire: :fire: :fire:

Thanks for the awesome theme! Appreciate it a ton! :tada:
I did find an issue with this:

but fixed it by commenting the list styling for added margins and padding:


Also did some clean up for my use case to remove some unused styling for the light theme and some errors found.
GitHub-Style.css (14.2 KB)

Thanks for helping fix some bugs. This is a modified theme and apparently I missed something when I changed it

Don’t mention it bud! Thanks again for this!

I updated the theme in the header.
The main font has been changed to a more readable one (which is used in the github).
Fixed bugs with scaling.
Slightly changed the tone of the colors so that they do not merge with the environment.
And other minor changes.

I have always been annoyed by the folder with attachments, so enter your name in css and it will hide
change “0attachments” to your folder name
p.s You can find the css file in “myobsidianfolder.obsidian\themes\Dark Moss.css”

I started working more with links and it seemed to me that the yellow color was too unpleasant for eyes, so I replaced it with green, which, as for me, suits more and does not violate the color scheme.



My theme is in obsidian so you can pretty easily update or not update.

I write code in triple quotes quite a lot. As for the distance between the blocks is too large, so I reduced it.


In obsidian, the styles for searching in the preview mod are a little weird. Therefore, only now have my hands reached the styling of the search.

Editing mode

Preview mode

I started working with quotes and changed the design, I hope it’s better.


Hi, How can I change the default colour when using brackets […]? Currently the lime (green). tnx

Find the theme file.
Open the theme in the editor, it’s convenient to use notepad++. Change color in hexadecimal format.

You can use google picker

Write a color if you find it pleasing to the eye.

In addition to updating the theme for the new version of obsidian, I changed the green color of the links to a nicer one.


Hey there!
Thx for this, truly nice on the eyes ^^
Do you have a version for nvim by any chance?

Hello, I was curious about this here:

It seems when i changed the theme over to DarkMoss, it now showed the GitHub hyperlink in this animated glowing effect. I was curious how I could use this as well in my own markdown files, its pleasing to look at.