I am always interested in stream-lining and efficiency in my workflow, and with the current limitation of dated notes, this is how I’ve gone around it so far and wanted to share with those interested, and also interested to see how others have been making use of obsidian!
[Daily notes template]
#journal #day
[[|Yesterday]] | [[|Tomorrow]]
(i add the link to the appropriate days into the brackets above)
[ ] other morning routine tasks
[ ] [[Check Email]](link to gmail)
(to note schedule, and add logs throughout the day)
- [ ] [[Check Email]] (link)
- [ ] other tasks that I’ve assigned to do this day, with links to each task
[[|Yesterday]] | [[|Tomorrow]]
(just copy pasted here for ease of use)
////////////// ////////////// ////////////////
[Weekly template] - just to help keep organized, haven’t added much to this yet
#journal #week
[[|Last Week]] | [[|Next Week]]
(same idea as above, but linked to the “weekly list” for previous and next week)
[[Mon]] - these would get linked to the corresponding day’s journal note
most of these probably will be come moot if one day we get our calendar feature/plugin, but for now this has been my work around. Some manual work involved, but if you do these during weekly reviews, and daily reviews, it doesn’t end up taking too much time, especially if you have a template .md saved
glad to hear any feedback too!