Daily Notes

What I’m trying to do

Using the Daily Note feature from Obsidian and the Calendar Community Plugin I’m trying to make it Work that the “same” Daily Note will open each Year.

I want to see, what my Daily Note from last Year was.
So for exmple my note from the 29 November looks sth like:


Things I did on the 29 November 2024


Things I did on the 29 November 2023

You get the idea.

Is it possible to tell the Daily Note Plugin to open the note with the name “29 November” as a daily note regardless what year it is?
So on 29 November 2024: Open the Note named “29 November” and the same in 2025?

Things I have tried

I tried to create a daily note for every day of the year in advance.
When this day comes everything works fine but on the same day in the next year there is an error “creating todays daily note”

I set the date format for daily notes to DD MMMM (sry I’m german :wink: )
But this is not working for the years to come.

I know I could create a dataview that shows me the notes I have created in the last years, but this does not work for me because I want to see, what I’ve written in past years and dont want to click into other notes.

Does anyone understand my problem and could come up with a solution?

It might not be quite what you’re looking for, but this plugin to pull out previous notes is what I use

It doesn’t put them in the same note, but you can have today and last year (or any other internal) side by side.

Only other thing I can think of would be updating your daily template to embed last year’s note.

Why do you believe it’ll not work next year? The date should be the same, and if I’m not mistaken if you hit create daily note and it exists already it’ll open it again.

You might want to have an extra little template to insert this year’s header if you don’t want to write it yourself.

I don’t belive it, i know it because i have tested.
If I create a file for this years 29 November and skip inside the calendar to 29 November 2025
I get an Error stating that a new daily not be created :frowning: