Daily and Weekly notes Showcases using Dataview

I’ve always wanted to have an organized life with everything I need for the day and for the week, keeping track of everything without too much effort—I’m a person who doesn’t like having to do a lot of things in front of my computer— so I want to share my simple but effective journaling system for keeping track of each morning, night, week, month, and year using Dataview and Templater. For this post, I’m only going to showcase the daily notes and weekly notes.

I use Dataview for all my notes, it is a very useful tool that saves me a lot of time. It has helped me a lot to easily and quickly keep track of the metadata I want to review and move it along over time. For example, I can track my goals for the week and what I need to do each day to achieve them, and use Dataview to display those goals on my daily notes. I can then follow the plan that is linked to my weekly note, which it is linked to my monthly note, which is then linked to my yearly note.

Here are examples of my daily and weekly templates that are easy to use, simple, and without a lot of writing, just the way I want it. The screenshots are zoomed out to better show the page. You can open them in a new page to take a closer look.

Daily Note Template

  • The “before, during, after” are just to guide me for when I should write in this heading.

Daily Note - {{date:dddd}}, [[{{date:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

BEFORE - Daily View

Basic Info

Weekday :: {{date:dddd}}
Yesterday :: [[{{yesterday}}]]
Tomorrow :: [[{{tomorrow}}]]
Week :: [[{{date:YYYY}}-W{{date:ww}}]]
Month :: [[{{date:YYYY-MM}}]]
Year :: [[{{date:YYYY}}]]

Week agenda

Table without ID
Focus1 AS "FOCUS 1",
Focus2 AS "FOCUS 2",
Focus3 AS "FOCUS 3",
WHERE file.name = "{{date:YYYY}}-W{{date:ww}}"

Week Calendar

![[{{date:YYYY}}-W{{date:ww}}#{{date:dddd}}, {{date:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

DURING - Daily Journal & Reflections

==Good Morning :sun_with_face:==
  1. What did I dream?

  2. Three things I am grateful for

  3. What under my control would make today even more great

  4. I am (Daily affirmations)

  5. Most Important Thing to Focus On Work of the day

  6. What Good Shall I Do This Day? morning question.

==Good Night :first_quarter_moon_with_face:==
  1. Three Wins

  2. One thing I learned (That will help me tomorrow) Is it a Breakthrough Idea ? (SEND IT TO WORKSPACE/INBOX)

  3. What could I do tomorrow that is High Leverage High/boundless upside, low downside.

  4. What good have I done today end of the day question

DURING - Day Planner

name Link today's Day Planner to the current note
type command
action day planner: Link today's Day Planner to the current note
    dateFormat  HH-mm
    axisFormat %H:%M
    %% Current Time: 12:05:42 PM
    section Tasks
    Morning routine     :06-00, 960mm
    END     :22-00, 0mm
    section Breaks


==I ask myself : How I will spend my 24 HOURS, with attention, time and energy on high leverage activities that fit me.==

  • [ ] 06:00 Morning routine
  • [ ] 22:00 END

Rating :: “0/10, why”

==Thank you for this day your name==


Memo plugin

Weekly Note Template

  • The largest of my 4 journal notes (daily, yearly, monthly, weekly).
  • Aim to start a fresh week.
  • I deleted my personal information for the Week Calendar but you can add other things you do each week, thanks to dataview the Weekly Calendar day is directly connected to the daily note so you can directly see what you have to do today (Not to be confused with day planner).
  • Likewise for reflections, you can add things you want to reflect on and follow up on by reviewing the pillars of your personal life.

Weekly Note - [[{{date:YYYY}}-W{{date:ww}}]]

BEFORE - Week View


Next week :: [[{{date+2w:YYYY-[W]WW}}]]
Last week :: [[{{date:YYYY-[W]WW}}]]
Month :: [[{{date:YYYY-MM}}]]
Quarter :: [[{{date:YYYY}}-Q{{date:Q}}]]
Year :: [[{{date:YYYY}}]]


FROM #journal/Daily/{{date:YYYY}}/{{date:MM}}
WHERE contains(Week, this.file.link)
SORT file.name asc

BEFORE - Week Calendar

Monday, [[{{monday:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

  • [ ] ==☆21:00== Task

Tuesday, [[{{tuesday:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

  • [ ] ==☆21:00== Task

Wednesday, [[{{wednesday:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

  • [ ] ==☆21:00== Task

Thursday, [[{{thursday:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

  • [ ] ==☆21:00== Task

Friday, [[{{friday:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

  • [ ] ==☆18:00== Task

Saturday, [[{{saturday:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

  • [ ] ==☆21:00== Task

Sunday, [[{{sunday:YYYY-MM-DD}}]]

  • [ ] ==🕒 10:00== Task

Emojis Picker for agenda

  • :clock3: : Task
  • ★ : Important & Urgent
  • ☆ : Important & No Urgent
  • :date: : Meeting
  • :books: : Studying

DURING - Week Agenda

Focus of the week OR TASK link, :white_check_mark: Completed, :x: Failed

  • Focus1 :: “”
  • Focus2 :: “”
  • Focus3 :: “”

Somethings to do sometimes this week

  • Next :: “”

AFTER - Prioritize. What do I want to celebrate?

Top 3 Directions (inputs for the week)

& Their Process Priorities: (process for the week and what i aim for the next one)

& gain from it: (outputs for the week)

AFTER - Reflection

1. Review of Wheel of Life Systems:

Part of my reflection is going over my main life pillars. I check things off not to track “whether I did everything or not”, but as an exercise to slowly go over the things I want to be doing.


  • [ ] Accept to feel pain and make sacrifices to reach freedom.
  • [ ] Reflecting on my days and journaling on my Journal.
  • [ ] High Quality inputs.
  • [ ] Prioritize & Organize my Knowledge Management and Map of Contents.
  • [ ] Remember & Refine my Action Management and Life Areas.
  • [ ] Listen/Read to Books and Podcasts every day.
  • [ ] Take Notes and Organize Info.
  • [ ] Being grateful for anythings that happens to me, part of the journey.
  • [ ] Devote my attention, energy and time to high return/high leverage pursuits.


  • [ ] Eating healthy.
  • [ ] Going to the gym and build your physique.
  • [ ] Walk outside and enjoy walking in nature.


  • [ ] Personal reflection, alone in nature, without electronic devices. (that is when ideas are born).
  • [ ] Practice self-awareness, the art of connecting with yourself (getting to know yourself, your needs and your potential, knowing how to manage yourself).
  • [ ] Meditate.
  • [ ] Be Present.
  • [ ] Accept the bad times and enjoy the good times. Accept that you are not perfect.
  • [ ] Cultivate and Enjoy Flow Moments.


  • [ ] Love.
  • [ ] Supporting each other and being there for one another. Relationships : Family, friends, community.
  • [ ] Learn from every interaction.
  • [ ] Engineer Serendipity (knowledge sharing lead to knowledge production).
  • [ ] Intentional Relationships Manager (strengthen & build long-term relationships).
  • [ ] Network Engineering (be a part of more Networks, create, and contribute to them).
  • [ ] Choose the “5 people I’m around the most” wisely.
  • [ ] Connect People & Build Networks.


Producing and Creative

  • [ ] Create Art in anything I do.
  • [ ] I write every day in my reflection journal.
  • [ ] Publish when creates a lot of value.
  • [ ] Build Valuable Products.


  • [ ] Choose how to spend my time.
  • [ ] Build Passive Income Sources.
  • [ ] Choose happiness.
  • [ ] Freedom to and freedom from.
  • [ ] Courage & being okay with being disliked.


  • [ ] Practice Leadership
  • [ ] Read, watch, learn about Leadership
  • [ ] Get coached/mentored on Leadership


  • [ ] Remember the meaning of my life, my purpose, my goals and my plans.
  • [ ] Always thinking for new ideas.

2. Four Simple Questions

Review Daily Notes / Weekly Note of ==previous week== for context/refreshing mind of what happened.

What were the big wins of the week?

Did I uncover more Breakthrough Realizations ? What are my favorite breakthrough realizations of the week? How can I apply them?

What didn’t go so well? How can I improve?

Did I focus on the best stuff I could focus on this week? New priorities / focus for the following week?

Additional Tasks

  • [ ] Take time to schedule your Calendar, Week focus and Week next, for this week.
  • [ ] Prepare all the tasks, habits, meetings of the week that will lead me to my goals.
  • [ ] Strengthen Relationships : See if I can do a 5-minute favor — a small commitment to me, but could be of large benefit to one of my relationships.

  • [ ] Clean MacBook Desktop and Download Folder.
  • [ ] Run CleanMyMac on MacBook.
  • [ ] Sort and clear your Mac, Files, Apps, Obsidians, Apple notes, Iphone, etc. Envrionment.
  • [ ] Backup Obsidian.

  • [ ] Clean your room.
  • [ ] Clean the house.

> <p align = "center"> Thank you *your name*. You did a good job this week. I’m proud of you. </p>

Hi, Farouk!

I’ve just seen your message in discord regarding this, my first impression is that this must have taken a lot of time!

One of the things that drew my attention was the system of organizing your notes in folders:

Could you please share how you organize them? What’s the name of the system (if any)? What does the numbers mean (000-700)? etc…

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