I want to use CTRL+ENTER to cycle through different characters at the start of a sentence in a similar matter that it cycles through creating a checkbox and bullet point. I thought this would be a great way to add the characters required for the Callout Lists plugin (GitHub - mgmeyers/obsidian-list-callouts: Create callouts in lists in Obsidian.). Instead of manually clicking the start of the sentence and positioning a “!” or “?” or any other character the plugin offers, the cursor can be anywhere in that sentence and be called out multiple pressing CTRL+ENTER.
So pressing CTRL+ENTER would result in
This is a sentence
This is a sentence
This is a sentence
This is a sentence
! This is a sentence
? This is a sentence
& This is a sentence
Great idea, to cycle with a hotkey between numbered list items, list items and checkboxes.
CTRL+ENTER is OK, I’d prefer another combo, but this could be easily tweaked in settings/hotkeys .
I’m not quite sure if I’m getting your use case, but when I read it I thought about custom task decorations, and how you can use various status characters for a task to display various icons. This doesn’t add a character to the start of the sentence though, but rather changes the status character of the task.
One place to read more about this is in the Tasks plugin documentation: About Statuses - Tasks User Guide - Obsidian Publish . And that documentation also showcases how it can cycle through the different status characters for a given tasks. I reckon that should also be possible to assign to a hotkey, so that you could cycle through the status characters.