Custom text hotkey

Trying to do the following:
I mark URLS by ‘- [b]’ bookmark in Tasks
I need hotkey which adds ‘- [b]’

I can’t find how to do it. Hotkey for just custom text
Any solution?

Just found a solution.
Plugin Hotkeys++
Edit main.js inside the plugin folder
Add secton:

        id: 'tbookmarks',
        name: 'Task bookmarks',
        callback: function () { return _this.tbookmark(); },
        hotkeys: [
                modifiers: ['Mod', 'Shift'],
                key: 'b',


HotkeysPlus.prototype.tbookmark = function () {
	var view =;
	if (!view) return;

	var editor = view.editor;

	// Вставляем текст
	var textToInsert = "- [b] "; // Замените на нужный текст
	var cursor = editor.getCursor();
	editor.replaceRange(textToInsert, cursor);
	editor.setCursor(cursor.line, + textToInsert.length);

Now you can add text - [b] to any place by Ctrl+Shift+b
You can modify main.js as you wish

Templater scripts are easier to trigger inserting strings with key combos.
Also, if you don’t mark the manifest of the plugin as unique ( = rename it), any new updates on that plugin will render your changes non-existent.

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With the community plugin Quickadd you can do that and much more.
Check out its capture and macro options!

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But in this case, much more than this…

tR += "- [b] "

…is hardly needed…

Save this with any filename, register it in Templater to be able to add a key combo to it, done.


I use Templater but I did not know that it is able to do such things :wink: Thank you.

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I didn’t for a long time, either, I mean with such shortness.
I always declared the workspace, the editor, etc.
But that one line is enough in this case.

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But if one needs to work with some variable, e.g. current file name, then they must be declared. E.g. my plantUML generator Python script takes the following syntax:

@puml_gemini filename `start[^]*?end`
  • So I can specify with range, which (multi-paragraph) passages I want to limit to to create the diagram from.

So I insert this with:

const currentFile = app.workspace.getActiveFile();
tR += "@puml_gemini " + `${currentFile.basename}` + " \`start[^]*?end\`";
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