Custom internal link text in cell breaks table rendering

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a table that has an internal link with custom text in one of its cells. For example, [[foo|bar]].
  2. Switch to preview mode.

Expected result

Obsidian’s markdown renderer realizes that the pipe (|) in the internal link isn’t dividing two cells and renders the table properly.

Actual result

Obsidian’s markdown renderer doesn’t realize that the pipe (|) in the internal link isn’t dividing two cells and as a result doesn’t render the table properly.


  • Operating system: Pop!_OS 20.10
  • Obsidian version: v0.11.13

cheout the docs about tables.

I looked here in the tables section of the docs, and I couldn’t see anything mentioning this. It only mentions escaping pipe characters in tables, which doesn’t work for formatting internal links. Have I missed something?

check out the help vault. Markdown doesn’t even know what [[ ]] is

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Ah, thanks! I found the solution:

If you put links in tables, they will work, but if you use Piped Links, the pipe must be escaped with a \ to prevent it being read as a table element.

First Header | Second Header
------------ | ------------
[[Format your notes\|Formatting]]	|  [[Keyboard shortcuts\|hotkeys]]
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