I know this is a planned feature! Do you know what the timeline is? I am eager to switch my website over to Obsidian Publish
Ditto! Thrilled to see the custom domain option will be available.
I’m also eager to learn more about (roughly) estimated timelines for 2 of the other new features – if more info is available?
- Search
- Tag pane
In addition, has integrated social sharing been added into the roadmap, by any chance?
With appreciation and interest,
Ditto on this!
Also waiting for this, without it - it makes little sense for me to keep paying for publish.
Could someone please explain to me how this would work once it is implemented?
Would I just need to point the A DNS records over there (so my MX records stay with my mail provider) and they’d do the rest?
+1 for a guess on when this might be implemented. I snagged a Publish account already, but am eagerly awaiting a public launch once the domain feature is implemented. I don’t see it listed on the roadmap, so I’m wondering if this is a “soon” item, or just something that will be added at some point in the future.
I keep seeing in Discord that the Devs plan to have custom domains by the end of the year (so in the next few weeks). I’m looking forward to it as well.
I understand completely if the Devs can’t commit to specific timelines for specific features.
However, if plans for any new Publish enhancements could simply be added to the roadmap, it would be a great help to everyone interested in these features to see where they stand in the queue:
- Domain
- Search
- Tag Pane
Thanks in advance for your consideration of this request.
custom domain is possible for clouldflare hosted dns serves.
Eventually we will expand to other dns hosting providers.
Are there instructions somewhere? I want to know how it’s setup prior to plunking down the money for publish. I own my own domain as well.
Upvoting to freshen this FR