I am having an interesting time getting custom checkboxes to play nicely with the recurring tasks feature of the tasks plugin. I have a bunch of custom task statuses, each with their own bespoke checkbox icons.
Naturally, it’s easy enough to change any existing checkbox in my vault from the default setting, - etc – to whatever custom status I wish to assign it to. This works great for non-recurring tasks, and gives me a visual overview of the various tasks I’m working on at a glance.
Where this method breaks down is with recurring tasks. Despite plumbing the depths of the relevant documentation for the tasks plugin, I believe i’ve run up against a limitation in the way it currently works.
When I complete a recurring task set with a custom status, say - [a], the new instance of the recurring task with be created with - and there’s nothing I can seem to do to alter this.
I’ve tried using templater to get it to automatically change the status of a specific task from - to - [a] upon creation, but this appears to break the recurrance rule.
Is there something else I can do – something obvious that I’m missing?
I’m really running up against the limits of my ability with obsidian right now lol – I am prepared to accept that what I’m doing simply doesn’t work with tasks as it exists today, even though it strikes me that it should be a relatively simple feature to implement to this plugin in the future.
Thank you for any help you can provide. And if it’s of use – I interact with my tasks though dataview queries, so if I can somehow get dataview to display the appropriate custom statuses, I don’t particualrly mind what’s going on in the backend.
Cheers, Tim