CSS Snippet not working

Since two weeks my custom CSS Snippet don’t stay work on Obsidian. I don’t know the reason because I did not any changes on settings or on the file.

Obsidian 0.15.6
Windows 11 - 21H2
Chrome Version 103.0.5060.114 (Build officiel) (64 bits)


CSS snippet is not longer works

@media print {
	h1 {
		color: DarkSlateBlue !important;

	h2 {
		color: MediumPurple !important;

	h4 {
		color: #ff8f00 !important;

	code {
		background-color: DarkSlateBlue !important;
		color: white !important;
		text-decoration: none !important;
		margin-right: 10px !important;

	em {
		color: #ff8f00 !important;

	strong {
		color: DarkSlateBlue !important;

h1 {
	color: #816dd8;
	border-bottom: 2px solid;

h2 {
	color: #66d9ef;
	border-bottom: 1px solid;

h3 {
	color: #e6db74;
	text-decoration: underline;

h4 {
	color: #e6db74;

strong {
	color: #e6db74;

em {
	color: #66d9ef;

Few questions need clarification before anyone can help out on this

  • Is it all part of the css not working or only some of it?
  • does it work for print?
  • do use any community theme? If so, what is it
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Hello @efemkay

  1. All css rules do not working
  2. Does not working for print (before yes)
  3. No it is my own css snippet.


Someone can help me ?

i test your code with default theme and Minimal theme. seems to work for print (to pdf). the only fix i need to do is for screen display for your headers

  • since you don’t use !important for the non print @media, you would need to increase the specificity (the level of priority). in this case i added the .markdown-rendered
.markdown-rendered h1 {
	color: #816dd8;
	border-bottom: 2px solid;

.markdown-rendered h2 {
	color: #66d9ef;
	border-bottom: 1px solid;

.markdown-rendered h3 {
	color: #e6db74;
	text-decoration: underline;

.markdown-rendered h4 {
	color: #e6db74;

can u share how it looks like on your end. also you css snippets is only affecting reading view - it doesn’t alter anything on editing view,

left is editing view, right is reading view. using Minimal theme.

Great thanks @efemkay, it works fine for edition view.

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