Creating Yesterday/Tomorrow Links without using the ISO Date Format

What I’m trying to do

I am trying create Yesterday and Tomorrow links between daily notes that do not use the ISO date format (my inline titles are in the dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy format) and that generate the correct links when creating a daily note “x” number of days in the future.

Things I have tried

I have previously used Yesterday/Today links successfully using Templater and the following links:

[[<%“dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy”, -1) %>|Yesterday]] - [[<%“dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy”, +1) %>|Tomorrow]]

These have worked perfectly with creating Daily Notes one day at a time, but they create the incorrect links when making a daily note for a future date. For example creating a daily note two weeks in advance would have today’s yesterday and tomorrow links, not the one for that day in the future.

I have tried the links suggested by kenanmike (Linking daily notes to previous and next days - #2 by kenanmike) and swapped the ISO dates for my own format like so:

[[<%“dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy”, -1, tp.file.title, “dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy”) %>|Yesterday]] - <% tp.file.title %> - [[<%“dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy”, 1, tp.file.title, “dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy”) %>|Tomorrow]]

But this gives me an error when trying to use the link saying that “there was a parsign error” and that “File names cannot contain: * " / \ < > : | ?”

My understanding of the Templator code is very shaky and there could be an obvious error here. I also don’t understand the use of having <% tp.file.title %> in the middle of those two links, am I missing something here?

I have also sort of tried to guess and made this:

[[<% tp.file.title(“dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy”, -1) %>|Yesterday]] - Daily Notes - [[<% tp.file.title (“dddd, MMMM DD, yyyy”, +1) %>|Tomorrow]]

But that did not work either.

Thank you to anyone who can help!