Creating dataviewjs table in daily note using daily note name as value in WHERE

Things I have tried

Block is in daily note template. Result displays all #task files without WHERE line in query; displays no results for table query when including WHERE line as shown:

const {update} =["metaedit"].api
const {createButton} = app.plugins.plugins["buttons"]

dv.table(["Begin", "End", "Event", "Description", ""], dv.pages("#task")
    .sort(t => t.tbegin, 'asc')
    .where(t => t.taskdate == dv.current()
    .map(t => [t.tbegin, t.tend,, t.description, 
    createButton({app, el: this.container, args: {name: "Done"}, clickOverride: {click: update, params: ['status', 'done', t.file.path]}})])

There is sample task file with proper metadata

What Iā€™m trying to do

I trying have a simple table displaying task files (I donā€™t use tick boxes) in table view on my daily note. Each task file has inline taskdate:: YYYY-MM-DD format. Each daily note is named simply YYYY-MM-DD according to the current day.

Syntax work perfectly with other templates to call documents based on current file name, example:

dv.table(["Title", "Published", "Pages"], dv.pages()
.sort(t => t.year, 'asc')
.where(t => == dv.current()
.map(t => [, t.year, t.pages]))

What wrong with using .where(t => t.taskdate == dv.current() for tasks above? Something with date instead of string? Solution in dataviewjs, I like button complete feature instead of box

This has confuddled me a bitā€¦ I thought the answer was easy, you just need to coerce your file name into a DateTime object like so:

const today =

And then simply use that in the equality comparison. However in my testing this didnā€™t give any results. However, I did get it to work with GTE and LTE like so:

// fails
  .where (t => t.taskdate == today)

  .where(t => t.taskdate >= today && t.taskdate <= today)

See if going for the combined comparison works for your use case, and then if anyone else can shed some light on why the equality check isnā€™t working Iā€™d be interested in that!

Dates in JS are a ****.
Try something like

.where(t => t.taskdate?.toISODate == dv.current()

Thank for your help. You are right this is confuddle. I tried variations:

const today =
.where (t => t.taskdate == today)

result: no results

const today =
.where(t => t.taskdate >= today && t.taskdate <= today)

result: no results

.where(t => t.taskdate?.toISODate == dv.current()

result: no results

.where(t => t.taskdate?.toISODate == dv.current()

result: no results

.where(t => t.taskdate.toISODate == dv.current()

result: Evaluation Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ā€˜toISODateā€™)

.where(t => t.taskdate?.toISODate == dv.current()

result: shows all tasks files including template, not just specific for current daily note

.where(t => t.taskdate.toISODate == dv.current()

result: Evaluation Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ā€˜toISODateā€™)

I donā€™t know if you ever got to the bottom of it, but on a snowy afternoon in Whistler Iā€™ve come up with this for pure files (not tasks, but hopefully it will get you an inch further on). My daily notes are named in ā€œYYYY-MM-DDā€ format:

Notes created today:

const thisDay = dv.current();

dv.list(dv.pages("").where(f => DateTime.fromMillis(f.file.ctime.ts).startOf("day").toISODate() == thisDay).limit(100)

Notes modified today:

const thisDay = dv.current();

dv.list(dv.pages("").where(f => DateTime.fromMillis(f.file.mtime.ts).startOf("day").toISODate() == thisDay).limit(100).sort(f => f.file.mtime, "desc")

I put a large limit in there since I donā€™t want to actually restrict it currently but maybe I will in the future.

Thanks for the pointers that got me to this baroque incantation.

Also, for what itā€™s worth, I hate JS. Give me a nice solid Elixir/Erlang platform :).

what about something similar to:

.where(t => t.file.mday.ts == dv.current()

Thatā€™s definitely interesting. Iā€™ll need to check if it works with daily notes that are created on a different day to their filename (which happens if I create a note in advance, for example). Thanks. Brain switched off for today, but Iā€™ll tweak my query to use the .mday. field to at least shorten things a little. is different from file.cday. is an implicit data if you have a file name with the format ā€œYYYY-MM-DDā€ (full name or part of the name) or a date: field in your note. Dataview take that values as dates.

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Awesome, perfect and considerably less baroque.

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