Creating an empty table cell

How can one create an empty cell in the first column of a table?

No number of spaces works.

Using a backslash ('') displays the backslash.

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Start each line in the table with a “|” (and optional: end it with a pipe also):

| This is a | Table
| – | –
| col1 | col2
| giraffe | tall
| | the first cell should be blank
| \ | the first cell should be blank
| The second cell is blank |


This is a Table
col1 col2
giraffe tall
the first cell should be blank
\ the first cell should be blank
The second cell is blank


Another idea is to use “<br/>” for the empty cell.

This is a Table
col1 col2
giraffe tall
<br/> the first cell will render as blank

the first cell is blank
\ the first cell should be blank
The second cell is blank

(The <br/> can also be used within a cell to specify a blank line)

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